1) This is against Target policy, so if that's what you're store does, report it and/or transfer and/or seek legal action.
2) This is not illegal, or against target practice, nor is it something that is contrary to common business practice.
3) See #2
4) See #1
5) See #2
6) What are you talking about? White men get an advantage over everyone else? While this is true, it's hardly confined to Target, it is also something that most companies (including Target) and the gov't have/are attempting to fix.
7) Again, what are you talking about? Employees interests are irrelevant. A janitor can want to be CEO, who cares?
8) Target policy is to evaluate attitude in promotions/raises, your attitude from my experience on TBR, is poor. You may think you're hiding it well, odds are you're wrong. Evaluating people on attitude is perfectly legal and acceptable in business.
9) Again, this is not illegal, nor is it contrary to common business practice.
10) I don't understand what you're trying to say.
You, from what I've been able to gather on here, have a poor attitude, have a poor opinion of your bosses/co-workers/customers (guests), but think you should have something handed to you despite these factors. You may be the meanest instocks demon, you may zone like a champ, and your attachment score may be insane, but from what I can tell, you're the exact opposite of what MOST retail employers want. I've seen nothing but gripes and sarcasm from you, maybe you're the problem, not a company that makes millions of dollars in profit every year.