Archived FunkoPop Bullseye

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I finally found one at my old store and one of my former co-workers told me they'd had them for weeks, but I could find them because some douche was coming in and buying them all probably to sell them on eBay. I'm just happy I waited before going all over hell and creation. Wife is happy so it's all good!
No replenishment yet...killing me to wait. One of our tms bought three....
I had the day off yesterday so my girlfriend and I went on a Target run. While she was trying to find something in C and D, I mentioned how I should look just for the hell of it and see if they had any of the Bullseyes, even though said they were out of stock at every store within a hundred miles of me. I looked in the section where the Funkos were and didn't find any, but managed to run into a very helpful TM who pointed me to an obscure location on the back wall, where I found two left under a pile of other junk. I ended up buying them both, one for me, and one for my girlfriend, although I highly doubt she really wants one. I honestly think they're super cute though, so I couldn't pass it up.
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