Archived Give me a BREAK, you people who come up with planogram hours are you high???

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Jul 9, 2012
Why is that an easy aisle that only move 2 items take 0.9 hours to do (100% True), while a HBA aisle full of dividers change almost EVERY shelf says take only 1.9 hours to do (Also 100% true)???


The easy aisle that move only 2 items (without ANY dividers whatsoever) shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to do, period.

Yet, this HBA aisle that almost every shelf will move is basically like doing it from scratch, since dividers are involved. I've to basically removed the products, remove the dividers, replace the dividers on the new spot, then repush the products.

Yes, people, if you never done HBA revs before, this is exactly how it works. A much more tedious process than any other aisles in the store. Dividers are the killer!

Only 1.9 hours? Are you people on crack, or just have NO clue at all about how these revisions/planograms are done? It's at least 3-4x as long!!!

Argh, this is what I've to deal with all the time....corporate issue revisions like this makes NO freaking sense, and they don't give me enough hours to deal with these crap, or think I am slow when I go over what it is, which is clearly incorrect. NO one can do pretty much a whole aisle in 1.9 hours, with all these dividers in the way. Either way, even if I do a good job, some people will not know what it takes, and will think I am being slow or not doing a good job *SIGH*

FIRE the person who designs these stupid planograms, assess the hours wrongfully cuz I am being killed here! I am tired of working so hard, yet the ridiculous assessed hours is screwing the perception of my work performance :/
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I think it's about time that someone in the corporate need to get fired, and find someone who will actually come up with hours that more realistic, considering the factors such as dividers and pushers involved in an aisle.

BTW, pegs to me are so EASY to do, yet somehow these always give these the HIGHEST hour. Which are about 2 times slower than how I get them done...

I swear, people who work the job that give hours but never actually done these work themselves before. Ugh!
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I did revisions before i took over signing, i feel the pain,
corporate ism: hey bro 20 hours take down 40 hours assemble/hang/sort/cry/hide in the bathroom
Yeah, half the revisions for hba or like the granola bars i got was like we moved 3 items you have to adjust the whole aisle, i may or may not have left some shampoo alone,
This really need to be elevated to corp more seriously. This is just bs... whoever come up with this need to be more realistic with the Hours
everytime you have something like this - mysupport it. it sounds stupid, but at the same time its sometimes our only recourse to try and get some kind of message in a bottle up to corporate. will it do anything? maybe. maybe not. but its a start.

but in all response to the titles of this thread: yes.
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