Archived Good Bye Food Avenue

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I actually don't want food ave to change lol. I like the pizza hut pizzas, the pretzel sammiches, the popcorn, the idea of a hotdog (never actually had one), chicken bites aren't terrible when I'm broke but not interested in a hotdog or lunchable.

The buffalo chicken pretzel sandwich is terrible, btw if anyone ever thought about trying it. It's "skinny" so it's dry and just not flavorful. One day I'm gonna buy an auntie anne pretzel kit and make a not skinny version of it.. with real buffalo sauce made with real butter + full fat cheese.
I can probably see it happening at large metro city area stores. Chicago, Atlanta. Get people to come in and eat. Ohh by the way, I need to pick up detergent.

But I can't see it happening anywhere else.
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Tomorrow is our last day for cafe. We will be getting freshii. Looks like I'll be heading to pfresh and grocery for lunch.
This does not look right :p

Some of the Targets nearby have already gotten rid of their Food Aves and their Freshiis are due to open soon. I'm excited to actually have some healthy flavorful options for lunch :)
I wish mine would.
I'm sure if all goes well with those stores, you will soon :)

Ssssh, You :p

Hehe ;)
Ultimately I think it's a good move on Target's part. Healthy eating is much more important to today's consumer than it was 20 years ago. Plus as Amazon continues to grow and offer faster shipping, Target has to find ways to get people in the doors. Having a nice spot to get lunch at makes Target more of a destination versus having just a little counter that sells popcorn and to go pizzas.

Though I do wish they would've kept the popcorn machine.
This is almost as bad as when they did away with the kids table that used to be in most store's Food Ave seating area. (I was an older kid by then... but I associated good memories with those little tables, so I'm still kinda bitter.)
Bleh. I looked at their menu on their site and I hate it. So much brown rice and quinoa. I... Make burrito bowls with brown rice, but if I'm gonna treat myself and eat out, I want that good fatening flavor of simple, white carbs. I think target's new mostly "healthy" food push is so annoying and judgmental. Long live pizza and popcorn. Omg... I just remembered I have a monster cookie in my purse

But I'm still salty that they got rid of the AF coffee syrups with sugar. They all have aspartame now.
One day I'm gonna buy an auntie anne pretzel kit and make a not skinny version of it.. with real buffalo sauce made with real butter + full fat cheese.
Dammit, sher....
*dabbing up drool on keyboard
Our Food ave is going away soon as well, I haven't heard what we are getting. We already have a Starbucks.
One day I'm gonna buy an auntie anne pretzel kit and make a not skinny version of it.. with real buffalo sauce made with real butter + full fat cheese.
In case anyone is wondering, Auntie Anne's actually uses Margarine. It might taste a little better on pretzels.

And now I want a pretzel :p

Ultimately I think it's a good move on Target's part. Healthy eating is much more important to today's consumer than it was 20 years ago. Plus as Amazon continues to grow and offer faster shipping, Target has to find ways to get people in the doors. Having a nice spot to get lunch at makes Target more of a destination versus having just a little counter that sells popcorn and to go pizzas.
The way I see it... most people aren't eating the same stuff every day, and can afford to splurge on something "unhealthy" from the Target Food Ave. I actually love the nutritionally-questionable Pizza Hut Artisan & Express Pizza's. I think a lot of people will be pissed about the popcorn though. (I'm still shocked someone proposed replacing the Food Ave. with a Book Store. WHO WOULD WANT THAT? :p)

(Corporate Idea. We already have a Music, Movies & Books. And besides the huge magazine selection (which was really a loss for us to begin with) nothing sold...)

Not that most of you will ever know this, but lightyears ago... Target actually had a real "cafe", that actually served real food. :p
I meant real butter for my buffalo sauce haha. I usually just do Frank's, butter and garlic, sometimes onion. But omg, I've had so many chances to do a home version of that sandwich and I haven't! Now I'm reminded lol.
But I'm still salty that they got rid of the AF coffee syrups with sugar. They all have aspartame now.

Artificial sweeteners are probably worse for you than actual sugar. If anything, they should be using stevia.

Is that all Targets? I loved getting me some iccees. :(

No, Freshii is being tested in select locations.
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