Archived Greenfield Move Workload Tool

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May 23, 2018
So, I'm a Team Leader who runs the trucks/Logistics on days that the Flow Backroom leader is off. I've tried to pull up the pull times on the Move Workload tool in Greenfield, however it says I'm access denied. I've been able to get in it before, but I think it was when the Receiver was logged into Workbench and it thought I was her. I asked my STL about it, but when they tried, they were also access denied. Does anyone know how I can gain access and/or another trick to get in to view pull times? Thank you!
Thanks tmap98
I also have no trouble viewing any and all reports on Greenfield (talking everything, not just SFS) however I'm keyed as Receiving/RevLog ...
Call CSC (during the day when people from the US are there). Someone should be able to point you in the right direction. Most likely you will need to submit a request through myaccess.
All systems we use should have a “how to” page on workbench when you search the title of the app. Included in these pages are who to call or email if you need access.
Can anyone tell me how to view what was pulled and by whom? I can't seem to find it Greenfield
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