Archived Has anyone seen their hours drop for this and the next couple of weeks?

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Oct 3, 2018
So throughout the holiday season i had at least 30 hrs, as much as 38.25. I am coming back from vacation on monday and I am not schedualed untill friday. I also work only till next sunday then no work until the saturday after. only 30 hrs in the next 2 weeks. Has this happened to anyone else? I have no rent to pay but still it isnt much. I am not seasonal btw.
Yes, either hound other TMs for their hours or plan out some really cool things to do on your off time. Im fortunate enough where the problem with hours do not affect me. Your mileage may vary.
Happens to most of us. I'm just lucky that everyoneknows I'll take their hours if they need something picked up and I'm trained in their workstation. I'm a shift swap ninja.
Hours cut in half and little runt shifts at times I don't normally work. I need an hour for everytime another TM tells me some version of "@seasonaldude, what are you doing here? I've never seen you here at this time." Then, I'd have semi-decent hours. Definitely not alone at my store. We used to have lines at the time clock and the equipment room. Now, the only line is for TMs to check the swap shift board.
Occupational hazard of working for Spot. Corporate apparently thinks that people only have to eat and pay rent during Back to School and fourth quarter. Seriously, working for Modernized Spot works as a first job, pocket money job, part time job for students or a second job, but unless you are in leadership it’s difficult to get enough hours consistently over the year to pay bills and make a living. Pretty much an o.k. job if you don’t need a job, but not so much if you really need a steady income.🙄
Occupational hazard of working for Spot. Corporate apparently thinks that people only have to eat and pay rent during Back to School and fourth quarter. Seriously, working for Modernized Spot works as a first job, pocket money job, part time job for students or a second job, but unless you are in leadership it’s difficult to get enough hours consistently over the year to pay bills and make a living. Pretty much an o.k. job if you don’t need a job, but not so much if you really need a steady income.🙄
And they still want everyone to have open availability 😂
I wonder how they think SFS/OPU is going to work with people only working 4hr shifts with a three hour gap between my 4hr open and the 4hr closer coming in?? Ok LOG ETL lets see what brains you got! I think not much to be truthful..

Just about every sales floor TM is trained on OPU because of this. What? You don’t have OPU coverage? Better train someone quick! So I did.
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