Archived Hours..

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Mar 31, 2016
How many hours did you guys get for the two week (11/27-12/03) schedule? And in what department?
39.33/backroom. Im projecting to get overtime though because toys are coming in so heavy and were getting a lot of SFS and flexes. Our flexible fulfilments have been dropping so heavily lately that the LODs are actually participating in picking them! I cnt believe it, theyre actually doing physical work!

Mon - Toys (specifically asked, UGH) 6am - 1pm
Signing - 4am - 12:30
Signing - 4am - 12:30
Signing - 4am - 12:30
Friday Toys 6am - 1pm
About 30, all cart shifts. One cashier shift. I think one closing cart shift? Maybe more like 2-3 because if I see myself working 2-7:30 chances are the closing Cart Attendant is this guy that calls in almost every other shift or every two shifts. Can't bank on him unless he's actually there. He called in yesterday during a Blizzard and it was absolutely crazy.. but fun. Too bad he missed out on it.

Hoping I can maybe trade shifts with someone. I really wanna start working other work centers.
The hours at my store are all over the place due to what the STL describes as a new procedure that is being tried out.

My store is taking 6 trucks a week, and so far each of those trucks has averaged around 1,200 pieces.

Last year they were taking 5 trucks a year and those trucks averaged 2,100 pieces.

Flow went from down from 30-hours to 20-hours.

POG went down from 40-hours to 30-hours.

Consumables didn't change.

Hardlines didn't change.

Cashiers saw their hours increased from 30-hours to 40-hours

Ship-from-store is working 40-hours.

We're an AA volume store.
33 in Starbucks which I'm very happy about. 20 was getting old fast, and we just lost one barista so hours will definitely be up until she's replaced.
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