Archived Instead of volume, what was your....

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Jun 21, 2011
Instead of talking about store volumes, lets talk forecasts. What was your forecast today (or any other monday) and what was your forecast on Saturday. My store was 48k today and 87k on Saturday (we made sales saturday and likely were going to make today).
That sounds like a dream, working at that kind of a store! :O

btw, this sounds like a d*ck size contest. Saturday we did 450k, Mondays are usually 250-300k. :vampire:
We're in the low-mid 100's on a typical weekday, up to 180-210 on the average weekend day.
Sunday was around 90k, and we blew it out of the water. Ended up with approx 120k.
This past saturday forecast was 207k, we did 215k. Monday due to the holiday, forecast was 178k and we did 192k, but a typical Monday is around 140k.
That sounds like a dream, working at that kind of a store! :O

LOL. We closed with 1 ETL (LOD), 1 Market, 1 Electronics, 1 Fitting room, 1 Softlines, 1 GSA, 1 GSTL, and 3 cashiers. There is nothing dreamy about that.
LOL. We closed with 1 ETL (LOD), 1 Market, 1 Electronics, 1 Fitting room, 1 Softlines, 1 GSA, 1 GSTL, and 3 cashiers. There is nothing dreamy about that.

That's just dumb scheduling. You don't need 3 cashiers, a GSA, and a GSTL, while only having 4 on the SF. Cashiering is something that if your 20% slower than the average, it's not that big a deal, but if your 20% slower at reshop/zoning? Well that's just going to make closing a SOB.
Non-Q4 forecasts tend to be avg 65-80k on weekdays, 110k+ on weekends... what type of volume store would that make us?
That's just dumb scheduling. You don't need 3 cashiers, a GSA, and a GSTL, while only having 4 on the SF. Cashiering is something that if your 20% slower than the average, it's not that big a deal, but if your 20% slower at reshop/zoning? Well that's just going to make closing a SOB.

One cashier/GSA is the CA too. The floor has no one to backup, so they have to be self sufficient. Breaks, lunches, etc.
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