Archived Instocks: Sub signs on 2 x 3 sale signs/peghooks

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New and Old Member
Jun 19, 2011
I was wondering how other Instocks groups approach putting up sub signs on 2 x 3's applied to peghook label holders - given you only have the option to create a 3 x 5 or 7 x 11 sub sign. It makes sense as the sub information wouldn't possibly be legible on a 2 x 3 in any presentable fashion.

Back to the point, how do you handle this? Do you take off the sale sign completely? I sometimes shove it to the back of the peghook or fold it over the peghook in the case the product comes in before the sale is over. I also stick in the sub sign on the edge of the peghook if the 2 x3 isn't consuming all of the space. This seems tacky and easily removable - aka Not Brand. Any thoughts, suggestions?
At my store, we hang the raincheck. We take off sale sign, open the peg clip & put both signs in. We do have 3 by 2 paper.
Hmmm, I may try a manual sign on sat.
We keep all the signs there(TPC, as advertised, sale, sub, etc). Taking it down runs the risk of losing it and it not being scanned out on the right days.
We leave the 2x3 and put the 3x5 "fold here" area into the right side of the label holder. Sadly, with the number of 2x3 sale signs in H & B, we sometimes have to skip the subs because their is no room. Personally, I think the sale signing could be better.WAY too much clutter.
when we have to put up 3x5 on pegs, we use the flip label holders (aka pricing) and put them over the peg hook, then fold the sign like normal and insert it in the flip label holder.
when we have to put up 3x5 on pegs, we use the flip label holders (aka pricing) and put them over the peg hook, then fold the sign like normal and insert it in the flip label holder.

that is a genius idea! but too bad for my store the pricing team hoards all the flip holders. :| so good luck finding one.

I usually just hang the rain check on the peg hook, but keep all sale signs up and hang the instant sub over top. but in HBA, i usually put the instant sub over top, because of the clutter! SO MANY SALE SIGNS! UGH!
Best Practice says to remove the sale cardstock and replace it with the instant substitute. Hang the raincheck pad on the peg.
That sounds like a pain. I put the sub sign over the original sign when possible, and I leave it off entirely for peghooks. I can never get 3x2 sale signs to print right anyways.
At my store our routines are pretty bad so the sale signs never get reprinted but even if it comes back in stock we should still advertise the sub since it stays on sale all week. just my two cents.
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