Archived Instocks TMs

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yes...not by choice...would rather do flow...same pay but get paid to work out instead of work a tedious, broken process!
Yeah, still do it one day a week on top of my signing duties. We actually have quite a few of us around.
Can't stand instocks! 😀 The system that is. Our store doesn't believe in Challenge, which would make instocks much easier on everyone. It's cool though, I love backstocking the same item 3 times a day. 😀
Sooooo many problems with the instocks process. Wanna set up a raincheck. Toggle to stand alone research to rescan the label you just scanned in outs. Type in 0, hit enter and toggle back to rf applications. Re enter your team member number since your pda kicked you out, requiring you to log in again. Set up raincheck and try to find a substitution that "isn't or will be a promotional item" and is in the same department as your out. Step three, toggle back to the Instocks application and hit continue. Wanna fill a paper towel backwall that is starting to look spotty? Lol too bad you can't use STAND ALONE EXF to pull the exact amount of product you need. That will mess up your accumulator and your backroom team will be pulling those paper towels EVERY time they do an hourly CAF pull. So instead do stand alone research and let the backroom team pull the capacity of each item (WHICH WILL BE OFF BY A SIGNIFICANT MARGIN CAUSING TONS OF BACKSTOCK LOL).

Sorry had to deal with this today and I'm drinking away my troubles lol!
THere is another way to do rainchecks & research, without stressing you out. Pm me for details. It highly suggested to this cheat on outs unless there are multi rainchecks in a 4 ft section. Partner with tl's to help your team on rainchecks. Also, ask gstl, to let you know when a 9801 is done on the register. Another opp there too.
Sooooo many problems with the instocks process. Wanna set up a raincheck. Toggle to stand alone research to rescan the label you just scanned in outs. Type in 0, hit enter and toggle back to rf applications. Re enter your team member number since your pda kicked you out, requiring you to log in again. Set up raincheck and try to find a substitution that "isn't or will be a promotional item" and is in the same department as your out. Step three, toggle back to the Instocks application and hit continue. Wanna fill a paper towel backwall that is starting to look spotty? Lol too bad you can't use STAND ALONE EXF to pull the exact amount of product you need. That will mess up your accumulator and your backroom team will be pulling those paper towels EVERY time they do an hourly CAF pull. So instead do stand alone research and let the backroom team pull the capacity of each item (WHICH WILL BE OFF BY A SIGNIFICANT MARGIN CAUSING TONS OF BACKSTOCK LOL).

Sorry had to deal with this today and I'm drinking away my troubles lol!

On the EXF piece, I am not sure where you heard how that works, but the implications of using EXF aren't what you posted! EXF doesn't hurt the accumulator unless you overrequest the amount you need (which then will cause it to overpull over and over again)... The reason Target doesn't want stores using EXF is because it is a bandaid to larger accumulator issues and covers them up!

Ideally, a store would fill using only Autofills, CAFs, Manual CAFs, and POG Fills when maintaining a planogram... Then OUTs and RSCH are used to audit this replenishment process (filling any mistakes that may have been made)... We use our OUTs and RSCH with locs % reports to see what areas there are problems in, and try and partner with whoever the issues were made by and fix it so in the future it stops happening... saving payroll and making the replenishment process more efficient! Now, say we use EXF instead of RSCH to fill your paper towels (alot of which may have been faked out or on PIPO pallets that aren't getting run), this will do nothing but fill it but making the issue unknown to the leaders who utilize the reports... and any replenishment issues would continue to go unnoticed and wasting hours for weeks before someone actually starts to question why we are filling with so many EXFs in paper! Now imagine if the whole store was using EXFs to fill their areas... You can see why Target is against using them unless for special circumstances.
Thats impressive and eye opening to me. You obviously have a well established process and that makes me think your stores instocks team is actually able to make an impact. At my store, it's more like here is a pda, here are some grey dots go have some fun but be back at 11:00. Lol wow.
I was Instocks for a whole 3 months! Then I was moved to a brand tm...but Instocks is cool our team is awesome almost always done early and helping the floor out with the best attitudes all the sweet people work on Instocks gotta give them props for waking up early 🙂
THere is another way to do rainchecks & research, without stressing you out. Pm me for details. It highly suggested to this cheat on outs unless there are multi rainchecks in a 4 ft section. Partner with tl's to help your team on rainchecks. Also, ask gstl, to let you know when a 9801 is done on the register. Another opp there too.

Any chance you could go over this on the forum? I'm interested too and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
By popular request:
It's easy. Just do stand alone research in the color screen after you get first rc hit in a 4 foot section. Scan one dpci, to ck on the last scan dates. alo, you can ck on your teams for scans of that area. I was in men's with sl tl helping her with rc's. No recent scans of any type where done in 2 different areas. We had ck instocks screen first in both areas on few dpci's. then, did stand alone research, then rc's & subs, printed/scanned in the signs for both sub & rc dpci's for credit on instocks report. 15 rainchecks later done! All in softlines!
Under my work option: item search
For instocks screen: go to item search, scan dpci, hit book button on upper right side, then instocks button.
All apps screen to stand alone research
Hit zero if none found. Always check zone or for other locations first before you hit zero.
My work to rf apps(black & white)
Main menu to specialized or number 8, then 1 for rc's, scan dpci, then write dpci/with date on rc pad, put up pad, do sub signs(same dept/type), scan in signs, there you go.
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How is that a shortcut though? It looks like you added an extra step (going to item search to check last research date) and that you still have to toggle between three different applications?
I am not toggling. Imagine doing 9 empty pegs in one section using bp for rc's. Which is, rf apps to rc's, scan dpci, need research, then toggle for research, all apps to stand alone research, scan dpci, zero count confirming other locations & zone,, toggle back to rc's, scan dpci, Write dpci/date on pad, put pad up, do sub, print signing, put signing up on rc & sub items.
Now do all that in mens basics.
Sorry everyone i haven't been able to log on for a couple days. I'm the Instocks Team Trainer at my store and I posted this curious as to what the other test stores' processes are and how successful/unsuccessful they are? My store is doing the "Stand Alone Research" process and it is kind of a mess. On top of that, they are constantly making changes within the process. For some reason they started scheduling us in the evenings; That failed so they brought us back to "Research Only." Then one day my ETL will want us to do EXF's in the depts. that we come across with alot of research w/ backroom loc's so our research w/ location % won't be so high. Then our DTL told our ETL to stop doing so many EXF's so then we stopped haha. Then another day they want us to start scanning all new outs along with scanning the research departments. Now they want us scanning total store on fridays. And as of last week, they are training us to become backroom certified so instead of having our Instock TM's do our normal job that we are supposed to be doing, they take two people and make them work backroom even though we're all scheduled for Instocks (we are already short of TM's and greatly need to keep what we have). Now don't get me wrong, I am more than happy to learn new processes and I can adapt to new situations and be universal really well. But DONT CHANGE SOMETHING THAT IS WORKING FOR THE STORE. I print out the reports every week and our scores are always solid green. It just doesn't make sense to me. So can you other Instock TM's out there (preferbly test store employees) fill me in on your processes and how everything's going for your team?
I will say you need to remember that compared to the other processes, Instocks is still a baby and going through some growing pains right now... corporate doesn't even seem sure where they want to take this process so we will see what they come up with in the next few years! I will say that your ETL is an idiot! You are a test store for these new processes, and he is going off of best practice (using EXF) for the sole purpose of padding his numbers!! When you are testing a new pilot, you need to execute exactly how they want, because that is how its getting rolled out... If you fake it, get everything green (when its really not), and report like that to your DTL... well that is how a broken pilot gets rolled out to other stores!
To the op, partner with tl's & to help you get more rc's up. On exf's to whole store, that won't work as rock said. Make it a team goal to get over 1000 scans person every week. Good luck!
I'm instocks team captain and also part of a research-only store. Our store is ultra-low volume, but I think research-only is working out fabulously. We've never had more than one instocks TM scheduled at once though (we only get 35 hours a week for the whole team), so maybe that's why it's working out so well.
I'm instocks team captain and also part of a research-only store. Our store is ultra-low volume, but I think research-only is working out fabulously. We've never had more than one instocks TM scheduled at once though (we only get 35 hours a week for the whole team), so maybe that's why it's working out so well.
are you doing alot of rainchecks? shelves well stock? just curious..
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