Archived Interview tips

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- Show up early
- Dress appropriately
- Silence your phone and don't touch it during the interview
- Shake hands firmly
- Read up on the company - have an answer for the question "Why do you want to work here?"
- Have a few questions prepared for the interviewer in case they ask if you have any, such as "What do you like about working here? or "What is a typical day like?"
- At the end of the interview, find out what the next step is, shake hands firmly again and thank the interviewer for their time.

Many, many people say that a follow-up thank you note or email is a must. I've never done it, but in case you might want to, you can get the interviewer's card or at least their full name. Good luck!
So did you find out why you were marked non rehireable? Otherwise interview tips seem kinda irrelevant.
Happy goth has some great advice above.
I would just like to add one point. See the interview as your chance to tell any company why they need YOU. We get many applicants, tell us why to hire you instead of the other applicants. The worst answer to “why do you want to work here?” Is: I need a job/it looks fun/I like Target. Seriously, this question is NOT about you, it’s about what you can do for Target. Tell what you bring to the table, what you can do FOR Target that no one else can. Sell yourself, what are your skills, strengths.

One more heads up: a big turn down reason for me is excessively complaining about your previous employer. It shows you refuse to take any responsibility for leaving your last job, placing all blame on others. Even if it’s true, don’t excessively complain.
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