Archived Is this normal?

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Jul 27, 2016
Is it normal to go an whole shift with out having a conversation with the LOD? Some LOD's check on me half way though the day and others unless its super important like priority pulls or task that needs to be complete no communication.
Definitely. Although I guess if your leaders are more attentive, it would be more unusual. Mine often give off the feeling of an irate teenage babysitter, often times justifiably so.
I was joking with my husband that im pretty sure i can clock in and leave without the LOD noticing. Matter in fact when i walked in they didn't even say anything when they let me in.
I tend to do full shifts and I don't have any interaction with the LOD beyond passing them and saying hi, or radioing them to ask them a question. They usually let me work with hands off and only tend to come to me to tell me things I need to know, any extra things to work on, etc.

But a full work conversation is rare, and it's often more a senior team member and not the LOD him/herself.
I was joking with my husband that im pretty sure i can clock in and leave without the LOD noticing. Matter in fact when i walked in they didn't even say anything when they let me in.
Yeah I think you win then. I still talk to them, but they show zero interest in how I am doing with my workload.
I can go about a week without talking to an LOD. Depends on your position. LODs seem to be glorified sales floor TLs, so I'd be surprised if a sales floor TM went a full shift without any communication from an LOD.
Depends on what work center I'm in. If I'm in pfresh, I probably haven't said anything other than a greeting to them when they make their lap around the store before we open. On SFS days, they'll ask me how many orders I have, and to let them know when I need help. If I'm salesfloor, it'll depend on which ETL is LOD lol. I don't dislike a single ETL. Just I usually don't need to get with them for much
I promise, you probably should prefer it that way.

As a Signing Ninja if you can an entire shift without the LOD calling you at least two or three times you are lucky (along with the SL ETL and TL, the HL ETL and TL, the PTL, the STL, or whatever configuration your store has).
Usually at my store if a TM preformes well, there is no need to check up from the LOD/ETL. But if the TM is known to not finish tasks (i.e. zone, pulls, reshop, etc.) then they are always followed up on to keep them on track and hold them accountable
Personally I find it weird if an LOD other than my ETL-AP checks on me unless they need AP help.
My Electronics Team Lead is also an LOD/Sr. Team Lead who gives very clear direction to us so the LOD's usually leave us alone other than to let us know that push is ready or how the zone is going because Toys is a bitch and a half.
There's one specifically that doesn't talk to me. No "Welcome to the day SS", or "Have a good break SS" for me. Everyone else gets responses, just not me. He will go the whole night without communicating with me. It's a really great work environment for me on his closing shifts.
Rarely do I even see the LOD. Maybe twice their whole shift theyl be out on the check lanes, most the time they're in the office joking around or texting/facebooking with other leaders. We have one ETL who is a great leader though, she teaches TMs, comes to the backroom and offers to help occasionally. I never see her chatting with other leaders. She's my favorite one.
Rarely do I even see the LOD. Maybe twice their whole shift theyl be out on the check lanes, most the time they're in the office joking around or texting/facebooking with other leaders. We have one ETL who is a great leader though, she teaches TMs, comes to the backroom and offers to help occasionally. I never see her chatting with other leaders. She's my favorite one.
My ETL HL (former ETL OPs) is like that. She literally worked her way up from the bottom. I heard she started as cart attendant. She's the hardest working ETL we have. A BR TM told me a story about another BR TM having to playfully yell at her when she was in the late stages of pregnancy because she was lifting stuff she shouldn't have been lol
Rarely do I even see the LOD. Maybe twice their whole shift theyl be out on the check lanes, most the time they're in the office joking around or texting/facebooking with other leaders. We have one ETL who is a great leader though, she teaches TMs, comes to the backroom and offers to help occasionally. I never see her chatting with other leaders. She's my favorite one.

Thats the type of LOD i hope to be. I dont have time to gossip or Facebook, i came to work.
At my store the LODs will be up your ass if you're known for slacking off, and they'll leave you alone if they know you'll do fine without their interference. The only time I hear from the LOD is when I need them to unlock electronics keys for me, if they acknowledge me for getting a conversion, or if there's some specific project they need my help with. Otherwise I'm left alone, which is how I like it.
When I wasn't a supervisor I didn't get to talk to the LOD all the time but they always knew I had a game plan on what I was doing and how to do it so they never had to check in with me because they knew things would get done esp when it's elect/mmb/toys/seasonal. Granted it's a lot for 1 person but somehow out of the whole crew we had 1 was the only 1 to be able to handle it all and have reshop cleared no matter what time of day/night

Also I was told many times when I was able to talk to them they didn't have much more for me to be challenged with at the time and yes they did actually say this "you can slow down and be lazy a bit if u want to be"
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