Archived January Wk 1 schedule

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40, but I donated some shifts to fellow SFS TMs
I wanted some time off anyway lol
Still waiting on mine to come out

Hoping for more than 22 hrs this time around
I did my part for "Payroll" by leaving my schedule shifts on time for once instead of working past schedule. :p;)
Most likely 25hrs again, which is why we can't our fucking Backroom clean. Not sure yet since I left before they posted it
I am at 36 hours. Salesfloor and Softlines have very low hours. Most under 20 hours. Making their schedule wasn't fun. I am not looking forward to seeing their faces when they see the new schedule :(
I am at 36 hours. Salesfloor and Softlines have very low hours. Most under 20 hours. Making their schedule wasn't fun. I am not looking forward to seeing their faces when they see the new schedule :(

Yeah I left early today to avoid scorn, some people went from 40 hours to 8. Plano got to keep their hours but everyone else got screwed. Especially flow and cashiers.

Ugh, wait til February people.
Don't have enough hours, cross train into other areas. If you can be scheduled to cover multiple areas you are more likely to get more hours. Also let the FRO or HR (depending on who does the calling in your store) know that you are willing to pick up shifts to cover call offs and then answer your phone and agree to come in if you can and if you can't maybe call them back and let them know that you appreciate the call but for whatever reason can't cover the shift. Personally when I call someone to cover a shift and get nothing but silence repeatedly I get the message that they don't want extra shifts. No one wants to spend all day on the phone trying to find someone so we naturally start with the TMs who say "yes" more often than "no".

My week 1 looks good but that's likely fallout for resetting and returns week. I know in a couple more it will start to slide downward. And as HRZone indicated February will be even lighter. I have a lot of TMs that I know who accepted every hour of overtime they could get this season - some working 12 hr shifts - because they knew Jan/Feb was coming.
Not that I've seen... Team Leads are generally guaranteed a minimum of hours and I think it's 36 but I'm not sure. I just wish corporate would provide for their hours in the forecast the way they do for the Execs. It's massively stupid to grant a work center 80 hrs for a week when they have 2 TLs.... >< How the hell can you give TMs hours that way? -_-
True...depending on how sizable your Market team is...

Me the PA, a CTL, another PA who is about to be fired, a TM who can only close and only do dry, and another TM who is mostly mid/close but has opened once.

I fully expect to be getting the 32 minimum.
Me the PA, a CTL, another PA who is about to be fired, a TM who can only close and only do dry, and another TM who is mostly mid/close but has opened once.

I fully expect to be getting the 32 minimum.

That makes sense. In our store Market usually does well too. If they didn't keep them properly staffed then they have more trouble passing the inspections. I wouldn't want to work over there myself but I have massive respect for those of you who do.
Our FATL & SBTL parse hours with the rest of the team so they can use up all the vac-cay they accrued.
I clocked out just as my HRTM was posting it. I'm almost afraid to look when I go in tomorrow.
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