Archived Let me tell you stuff I did at Target

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Aug 15, 2012
See I, know what you do at target doesn't matter. I did 25 minute 15 breaks because well everyone at my store did it because we don't care. And lol 30 minute meals if I did work more than 6 hours. Uh I added in my own 15 minute paid break in because why not? Of course my friends use my discount as if anyone in my store ever checked they basically are robots and scan anything. Of course go on LOA every summer because lol at working at target in the summer.
that is too funny, but please leave target now, we don't need lazy people like you !
Jersey,you sound like the worst type of TM. the one we all slide away from when the men in the red and white helicopters and trucks show up. And to quote Trevor Phillips "why oh why has no one termed you yet"
To be honest, we sometimes take long fifteens at my store. I do 20ish sometimes when they give me 5.5 hr shifts or when they schedule me with a short shift but then have good food in the break room. I can't build an amazing loaded nacho bowl and eat it in 15 mins. And.. For over a year, I didn't know I wasn't supposed to get a second fifteen if I was scheduled for a "6.5" where I'm in the store for 7 hours, but after the meal, it's a 6.5. Even when I thought that, though, I didn't really take the second 15 I thought I was supposed to get, because there was no time.
To be honest, we sometimes take long fifteens at my store. I do 20ish sometimes when they give me 5.5 hr shifts or when they schedule me with a short shift but then have good food in the break room. I can't build an amazing loaded nacho bowl and eat it in 15 mins. And.. For over a year, I didn't know I wasn't supposed to get a second fifteen if I was scheduled for a "6.5" where I'm in the store for 7 hours, but after the meal, it's a 6.5. Even when I thought that, though, I didn't really take the second 15 I thought I was supposed to get, because there was no time.

Our store has always given us a second 15 minute break if we're in the building for 7 hours, not on the clock for 7 hours.

And yes, I do often take a longer break if scheduled 5.5 or 5.75 hours. It's not intentional, I just eat on my break if it's that long, and if it takes me a bit more than 15 minutes to do so occasionally so be it, but I don't finish eating in 12 minutes and then decide to sit there for another 13 and make my break 25, my break ends when I finish eating my food.
I rarely take breaks just because it will put me behind. I take lunch of course. If I do take a 15 minute break, it pretty much always at least 20 minutes. And I don't give a shite if an ETL cares. I'm earning scraps and bust my butt for very little so I deserve a longer break.
I never skip breaks... Unless it's a 7 and I lose track of time and miss my last 15. I never skip them on purpose, though. I'm sure my body likes the breaks, too. I got some joint issues going on and I'm in the process of getting a diagnosis. Also, I'm actually the worst person ever when hangry. Like those people in snickers commercials who become delightful after they eat the snicker.
LOL at people who take breaks. My break consists of a 3 minute rountine. Buy energy drink, chug it, almost puke cause i dont like energy drinks, throw can away, go back to work.
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