Archived New Hire

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Jun 29, 2016
Hi everyone! I was recently hired as a Sales Floor employee (apparently I'll be trained in both hardlines and softlines), and was just trained as a Cashier yesterday. I just moved from a restaurant job that I hated so I'm actually excited to be working at one of my favorite stores (yeah, I know, we'll see how long that lasts, right? ;))

Nah, I actually like it here pretty well so far. Then again, my last job was terrible so the fact that I actually get breaks working at Target is enough to make me want to stay forever, haha.
Welcome to Target and welcome to The Break Room.

For what it's worth, I used to be a Hardlines trainer before moving to Asset Protection (security) so I'm ready to help with any questions you may have regarding Hardlines. Besides me, there's plenty of other members here that are all ready and eager to help with whatever you need, so don't be afraid to ask questions.

Enjoy the ride.
Greetings and salutations.
Welcome to The Break Room.
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