Archived New Team Lead making more than existing

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Jan 19, 2012
Hey everyone, I am brand new to the site, so I apologize if this has been covered millions of times. I have been with the company 3 years, started in Starbucks, then went to GSA and then went to Food Service Team Lead. I attempted to negotiate my pay and they flat out rejected the conversation, telling me what they offered was standard for beginning team leads. Well, just yesterday they promoted a GSA that I trained and who has been with the company 7 months, no degree, no experience (other than GSA) and gave her 3 dollars more an hour staring than I make. The new team leader will be taking my position in food and I am moving to GSTL. Note that I turned food service from a red in all areas to consistently green in areas, never had performance issues so they did not force me out of food service, they just asked and I said yes. However, I feel very pissed that they offered the new team leader that much more per hour. What about equal work for equal pay haha. Anyways, should I just quit? Has this happened to anyone else? What would you guys do? Thanks for any advice and I am glad to be here with you all!
I unintentionally overheard her talking to a senior team lead about it. I was not eavesdropping they were just talking right next to me. I'm not mad at her by any means. She's nice and I get along with her well, but it still seems wrong. Then again, it is all female leadership at the top at my store so who knows. I'm just frustrated that they didn't even let me negotiate anything, they just entered it in the system and that's it.
I used to know someone at our store that lied about her raises and how much she made... I'm just wondering since $3 an hour more is a huge difference...
Ya I thought that at first but I honestly don't think she would lie since she is genuinely a nice person, I don't see her lying about it. I think i'm screwed either way since I don't want to complain to management about and get her in trouble for talking about it. But ya it is a huuuge difference, especially since they offered another GUY team leader at my store less than me, when he was a GSA twice as long than this girl. I am just confused by the situation, I don't want to say it is reverse discrimination against men, but it seems like it is. I have a review coming up, my first one as a team leader, does anyone know how the raises work? probably the same as for tm's I'd assume?
MAX-ine LOL!!

I have never, ever shared how much I make with anyone at work. Learned very early on it just causes problems, as shown here.
lol people always seem to think i make so much money for what i do... then i tell them to just add 50 cents to their pay and their jaws drop haha.
Crazy how the cost of living raises everyone gets, EXCEPT us that are maxed, keep bringing new comers closer and closer to my pay..*sigh*
I have never, ever shared how much I make with anyone at work. Learned very early on it just causes problems, as shown here.

Ditto that. If anyone ever tried to guess my pay, I led them to believe it was far lower than I actually made.
I'm guessing her pay when she was hired was the equivalent to yours now. 3 dollar raise is standard for TMs going to TMs, correct?

Is it fair to you? From a paygrade and HR perspective, yes. From a performance perspective, not really. But it wouldn't be fair to her if they offered anything less than 3 dollars.
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The worst thing to do is to tell someone else what you are making. Because, you are going to offend someone no matter what.

There is no way Target would pay someone $3 more than you without a degree or experience. When I started 12 years ago as a team lead, the starting wage was around $9.50 an hour in this area of the country. I got more for being a college graduate...and then an additional increase for being an experienced manager. My final starting wage was $12 an hour, plus a dollar shift differential. I wouldn't believe your replacement & just do your best at your new position. Even if it was true, there is nothing you can do anyway. Good luck!
I believe I"ve heard experience pay is from 1 to 3 dollars per hour depending on years of experience, but you'd have to speak to your HR to find out if that's accurate or if it varies in your state or region of the country.
Hey everyone, I am brand new to the site, so I apologize if this has been covered millions of times. I have been with the company 3 years, started in Starbucks, then went to GSA and then went to Food Service Team Lead. I attempted to negotiate my pay and they flat out rejected the conversation, telling me what they offered was standard for beginning team leads. Well, just yesterday they promoted a GSA that I trained and who has been with the company 7 months, no degree, no experience (other than GSA) and gave her 3 dollars more an hour staring than I make. The new team leader will be taking my position in food and I am moving to GSTL. Note that I turned food service from a red in all areas to consistently green in areas, never had performance issues so they did not force me out of food service, they just asked and I said yes. However, I feel very pissed that they offered the new team leader that much more per hour. What about equal work for equal pay haha. Anyways, should I just quit? Has this happened to anyone else? What would you guys do? Thanks for any advice and I am glad to be here with you all!
From what I've heard, it's possible to "max out" but only for those who don't get outstanding or excellent review scores, but again, this is something your hr will much better be able to talk to,
I get a .65 for an outstanding review...but then I've been maxed out for 23 years......LOL!!
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