Archived New Twilight Movie Midnight Release at Select Stores

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Sep 11, 2011
Anyone's store a selected store to have the new dvd/blu-ray release at midnight? My store as well as two other ones from my district are the lucky ones. I feel once again Target is late to jump on the popular bandwagon. Everyone else has been doing these midnight releases for how long now? Plus we are to show some 5 minute clip from the new movie in November on the tv wall. At my store there really isn't any standing space between the tv wall and gondolas/aisles. I think the MMB focal would have been enough.
I feel obliged to make some kind of snide sparkly vampire joke but I'm coming up short.
Talan can you help me out?
My store isn't doing it, but I'm surprised it took the company this long to get on board with midnight releases.
Dunno if mine is doing it. Probably, because we're decently high volume. Just wondering the logistics of it. So we close at 11, open at Midnight and then does it close at like 12:30 or 1? I can't imagine they'd stay open all night for such a non-event after an event like BF failed.
I wish they would start doing it more often! I feel like people like shopping at Target and we could do more in terms of movies, video game sales if we would do midnight releases for the big games and movies. It also makes me mad I have to wait until the store opens at 8am to buy a game that I pre ordered that went on sale at midnight at Walmart, Gamestop and other locations... Pretty stupid, we may have 1 or 2 people at the door waiting for such a release as most people who really wanted it already went to walmart or best buy or gamestop to get it... Why not open for a half hour at midnight since you have people in the building anyway to sell 10, 20, 30 copies.
I haven't heard yet whether or not my store is doing it, but it seems like it would be a huge pain for stores with overnight processes. Wouldn't it get in the way of flow and plano?
Stores that are participating are not closing then reopening, they are to stay open until 1 am. I think the info on workbench said that tickets are to be handed out to guests as they come in for the event.
closing at 1am would make more sense. when i read it i was under the impression that they were just not going to close that night at all. late close is better than no close.
It's up on the front page of workbench, there's an excel file listing all the stores. Luckily, I am not one of those stores.
My store is doing it, though I don't know if I am scheduled or not. Probably our main MMB guy will deff be scheduled, and I might be as I am one of the main electronics TM's
My store is participating. It is times like these where I am glad I am Backroom and I don't have to deal with the workload on the floor when they have special promotions such as this. I do wonder what kind of turn out it will be.
My store is participating. It is times like these where I am glad I am Backroom and I don't have to deal with the workload on the floor when they have special promotions such as this. I do wonder what kind of turn out it will be.

Here's your turn out:

Soccer moms who want to **** Lautner and teenage girls who want to suck off Pattinson, and the unlucky males that were dragged along.
Here's your turn out:

Soccer moms who want to **** Lautner and teenage girls who want to suck off Pattinson, and the unlucky males that were dragged along.

You forgot the males who want to ***** Lautner and suck off Pattinson or even vice versa.
You forgot the males who want to ***** Lautner and suck off Pattinson or even vice versa.

I don't think anyone would want to do anything to Pattinson. Taylor Lautner is nice, but only if you'd put a bag over his llama face. 😛
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