Archived Non-rehirable status?

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May 7, 2015
Oh wow, I haven’t been on here since 2015 lol. A LOT has changed since then. Anyways, I used to work at target for about a month and a half from May 2015-June 2015. I worked at Target Cafe and absolutely HATED IT. I became really depressed and even suicidal because of the job. I left on a bad note and didn’t even show up for my last shift. I quit just because I was scared that if I continued to work at Target Cafe, the suicidality would get worse and I would probabaly end up in a hospital. After I left, I felt SO MUCH BETTER ! Anyways, now it’s Ocotober 2017 so a little over 2 years since I quit and I saw the Target by my house is hiring for seasonal cashiers. I kind of want to apply but I’m scared I’m still in the system as nonrehirable. Does anyone know how long you’re in the system marked as that? Thanks! Oh by the way, this would be a different target than the one I last worked at :)
If you hated it so much that you considered harming yourself, you should probably look elsewhere regardless of whether or not you are eligible.

Here's a thought that has served me well over the years: Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should do something.
Does anyone know how long you’re in the system marked as that?

Your rehire status does not change over time. When you burn your bridges with Target it follows you, I have had people apply who abandoned 12 years ago on the other side of the country. In their application they say "I left to be home with my kids" -- but the rehire status will tell a different story "job abandoned, non-rehireable."

*Your only hope is if your store is willing to overlook rehire status. Some lazy HR's don't check but it's the first thing I check. I used to give job abandons a second chance until we rehired a job abandon and she walked off mid-shift.

If I were you I would go in person to the store and explain your situation. They may turn you down anyways but if you just put in an application and hope they give you a chance, you will probably be turned down.
Oh wow, I haven’t been on here since 2015 lol. A LOT has changed since then. Anyways, I used to work at target for about a month and a half from May 2015-June 2015. I worked at Target Cafe and absolutely HATED IT. I became really depressed and even suicidal because of the job. I left on a bad note and didn’t even show up for my last shift. I quit just because I was scared that if I continued to work at Target Cafe, the suicidality would get worse and I would probabaly end up in a hospital. After I left, I felt SO MUCH BETTER ! Anyways, now it’s Ocotober 2017 so a little over 2 years since I quit and I saw the Target by my house is hiring for seasonal cashiers. I kind of want to apply but I’m scared I’m still in the system as nonrehirable. Does anyone know how long you’re in the system marked as that? Thanks! Oh by the way, this would be a different target than the one I last worked at :)
Hey, i wish you good luck. You are saying target cafe made you suicidal? Thats rough man. What was it? The TL or the TMs that made it so unbearable, you wanted to dunk your head in the sanitizer sink and just end it all?
As for your non rehire status. Here’s an advice I read on this forum. Go in ,claim you were sexually harassed and were too embarrassed to tell anyone or even show up to work. Good luck.
If a court case for unemployment occurred after someone quits does that show up in rehire status. I have a friend that didn't have a job when promised one during a transfer. The resulting case sided with Spot (surprise surprise). How detailed is rehire status?
You worked a month and it made you suicidal? Yeah no.. Sounds like more like a temper tantrum.

You couldn't handle café and you want to work during 4th quarter where the demands are worse than any other time of the year. I would say try another line of work.
*Your only hope is if your store is willing to overlook rehire status. Some lazy HR's don't check but it's the first thing I check. I used to give job abandons a second chance until we rehired a job abandon and she walked off mid-shift.

OP - This is also the first thing that I check as well. During my first year, my ETL decided to take a chance on hiring JAs since we were in desperate need of people. Guess what happened? Almost all of them eventually JA'ed again; some sooner and some later but all for same reason. Only one person that we took a chance on didn't bail on us. Hate to tell you this but us being wary of JAs is pretty company-wide so the odds are not in your favor.

Despite this, I am glad to hear that you have recovered. That's great news! Like @SoCalMama said though, I also think a job elsewhere would be more beneficial to your health (the most important thing).
If a court case for unemployment occurred after someone quits does that show up in rehire status. I have a friend that didn't have a job when promised one during a transfer. The resulting case sided with Spot (surprise surprise). How detailed is rehire status?

It shows dates, which store, term reason, and rehireability.
If a court case for unemployment occurred after someone quits does that show up in rehire status. I have a friend that didn't have a job when promised one during a transfer. The resulting case sided with Spot (surprise surprise). How detailed is rehire status?

No. But you can only get unemployment if are involuntarily terminated so that person is non rehireable for being fired. You don't get fired and then get a second chance to come back.
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