Archived payroll is getting tighter

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Jul 16, 2011
hey guys, at my store we are not making sales, and going into february, payroll is getting even tighter now that the holiday bounce back is complete. So if you actually work, it's important that you work yourself out of hours by going as fast as you can to meet our unrealistic goals. And this doesn't really apply to you, but our teamleaders will be overscheduled and still get their 40 hours. In case you haven't noticed, we have been having as many on the clock as possible in the mornings, so that they stand around and talk on the salesfloor (which is guests).

Oh, and while you guys are working, keep in mind that we have a super secret suprise visit from the DTL at exactly 11:15 today. Starting around 11:08, we are going to go in panic mode and start preparing our farce for this unannounced, completely unexpected visit. Make sure you are asking every guest CIHYFS to make us look good during this UNANNOUNCED UNEXPECTED COMPLETE SUPRISE VISIT!

At both stores I have worked at TLs have been 'asked' if they would cut to 32 so there would be more hours for team members... Only happened 2 weeks last year that I can recall, but, when we miss sales several days in a row you can bet that all TLs/Assistants are called into an office where there are at least 3 execs (intimidation factor?) that ask us if there is anything that we can cut from our department...

They also inform us that they are trying to cut something like 300 hours for the week..... only they started cutting on a thursday!! thats only 100 hours a day!!!
At both stores I have worked at TLs have been 'asked' if they would cut to 32 so there would be more hours for team members... Only happened 2 weeks last year that I can recall, but, when we miss sales several days in a row you can bet that all TLs/Assistants are called into an office where there are at least 3 execs (intimidation factor?) that ask us if there is anything that we can cut from our department...

They also inform us that they are trying to cut something like 300 hours for the week..... only they started cutting on a thursday!! thats only 100 hours a day!!!

Softlines has 22 hours at our store this week. 36 on hardlines. Good stuff!!
Oh, and while you guys are working, keep in mind that we have a super secret suprise visit from the DTL at exactly 11:15 today. Starting around 11:08, we are going to go in panic mode and start preparing our farce for this unannounced, completely unexpected visit. Make sure you are asking every guest CIHYFS to make us look good during this UNANNOUNCED UNEXPECTED COMPLETE SUPRISE VISIT!


wouldn't it be nice to actually have "REAL SURPRISE VISIT" ? One you cannot plan for, one that the store should be looking great everyday, not just that visit day? We get the call, the jet has landed or he/she just left here. So the DTL's should start saying i am going East today, and go to someplace off the wall. We all run around like chickens with our heads cut off on a normal day, than those visit days, multiply that at least by 2 or 3 times faster, and probably the day with less chickens too.
That's not even enough to....staff a day....

Awesome isn't it? ULV's rule. Real ULV's. D volume stores are actually broken down into another class, a special class, for the lowest of the low. That's where I live. Anyone that works the higher volume stores, don't even understand how it's possible to operate. We get along. Logistics have most of the payroll so they HAVE to be your best friend. Guest servicing, backup cashiering, staying late to push reshop, zone, etc. The whole store hinges on logistics. True ULV's do not operate under the same set of rules that the rest of the company does 🙂
All the tl's were given 32 hours for next 2 weeks, then cut back on tm's closing reduce by 3 less out 9 in hl.
Softlines has 22 hours at our store this week. 36 on hardlines. Good stuff!!

This still blows me away! I thought only having 600 hours for cashiers was bad...

One of these days I really want to see the opposite end of the spectrum and work in a true ULV.
I'm not even a low volume store but we only have ~200 hours for softlines on the new schedule.
wouldn't it be nice to actually have "REAL SURPRISE VISIT" ? One you cannot plan for, one that the store should be looking great everyday, not just that visit day? We get the call, the jet has landed or he/she just left here. So the DTL's should start saying i am going East today, and go to someplace off the wall. We all run around like chickens with our heads cut off on a normal day, than those visit days, multiply that at least by 2 or 3 times faster, and probably the day with less chickens too.

Last december, a teamlead approached me and a seasonal member and warned us that Jimmy John would be in for a visit and to make sure we were asking cihyfs? The seasonal was like who is that? So infront of the teamleader I said "he's our district level teamlead who always comes by for suprise visits but the leadership at our store is always well aware beforehand."

Well the teamlead got her feelings hurt by this and was like "You know it's fourth quarter, so it only makes sense that if you were the DTL you would be making sure you stores were okay." Lol i'm just thinking to myself, that's all fine and good, but what about last summer when you personally got on the walkie and alerted the team "Hey the so and so south store just emailed me saying Jimmy Joe left their store and is headed our way! Make sure everything is right?" Oh yeah you only have a 30 second goldfish memory and know nothing about this. That's why I'm glad your feelings got hurted!
We're making our sales and they're cutting our hours as well even the jobs, like receiving, that have always had consistent hours.
This is crazy.
Softlines has 22 hours at our store this week. 36 on hardlines. Good stuff!!

That happens about 2-3 times a month at my store, 20-25 for both hardlines and softlines. Then maybe 80-100 for electronics.

The store is pretty much operator covering all of softlines and 1 closer, then only an electronics person for hardlines in the morning.

I love ULV Target. :dash3:
Our electronics is 88 Hours a week per year until around November. I was shopping in yesterday and happened to watch about $100 of sales walk out the door in about ten minutes (For some reason, our electronics members have decided that helping guests is just too difficult to do anymore and spend all of their time in the backroom pulling stuff to go on our empty shelves so our sales are just plummeting).

We now have two cashiers during lunch rushes, one of which always needs a break at lunch time so it's actually closer to one.
We're making our sales and they're cutting our hours as well even the jobs, like receiving, that have always had consistent hours.
This is crazy.

This only makes sense if you view Target as being run more like Bain Capital than a retail store. The stories the former employees of the companies they ran sound just like what we are going through. (More work, less hours, less pay, and no benefits.)

Here are two announcements that kind of make sense of why they are cutting.

"Target will pay Chase approximately $2.8 billion to retire this financing, along with a make-whole premium that will reduce fourth quarter 2011 earnings per share by approximately 8 cents. Target anticipates it will recoup some or all of the cost of this premium through lower expected interest expense in 2012 and 2013."

"Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) today announced that its board of directors has authorized a new $5 billion share repurchase program. The company expects to begin repurchasing shares under this new authorization upon completion of the current $10 billion program in early 2012. "

Oh and the executives took home ~$50 Million last year and God only knows what this year.
Yeah we just got a talk about upcoming Feb and less payroll. Fortunately for me one of the Electronics TM's that was there before me transfered to a different store, so thus far I have been getting 37 hours avg as I am one of the two main TM's they want to have regularly run Electronics. Overall guest traffic has really dropped though, and good thing because in the beginning of the week we only have two Electronics TM's sheduled during the day, and most of the time I leave as the other one comes in, and vice versa.
This is retail from January through March.

I understand about cutting hours this time of year but this is over the top.
There are jobs that need to be covered in order for the store to run properly.
Not sure how they think this is even supposed to work.
New schedule. 37 hours split between GSA/Cash Office/Photo.
we had 96 hours for cashiers on thurs... man i thought that was low lol.

still rockin 40 hours here though this next couple weeks.. we have GSTLs cutting hours though for school
I hate it when they know beforehand a visit is coming it leaves the higher ups with a false impression of our store. They think we are functioning perfectly with the little ours we have and wont even try to help, before when our STL didn't know who was coming and they came and saw the store a mess they understood we needed the payroll badly to stay afloat. Hate these new hotshot execs trying so hard to look good.
I hate it when they know beforehand a visit is coming it leaves the higher ups with a false impression of our store. They think we are functioning perfectly with the little ours we have and wont even try to help, before when our STL didn't know who was coming and they came and saw the store a mess they understood we needed the payroll badly to stay afloat. Hate these new hotshot execs trying so hard to look good.

It's completely stupid. Just like yesterday when our flow team was completely shorthanded and during the unload process, flats were being stacked in an extremely sloppy fashion due to rush, and later on in the day the flowteam lead was laughing about it and proclaimed "That completely fell over and I had to restack it hurp durp" and a team member said "You know, this is why we are a red safety store, somebody is going to get hurt because of this crap, but you think it's funny we are understaffed." The vibe got a little weird after that truth was dropped!
That's what I'm saying, if it ever fell on HER, SHE wouldn't think it was so funny then.
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