Archived pfresh backroom issues/questions

  • Thread starter Pfreshbackroomguy
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As some of you know, i work in both pfresh as a market team member 4 days a week and as a backroom day team member working in the p fresh backroom once a week. When i am working in backroom pfresh in my 7 hr shift, i am labeling and backstocking everything from our food truck.

Now my also has this other backroom team member who works in backroom p fresh as well. He works monday-friday. On mon/wed/fri days, he works 6a-1p and on tues/thurs (truck days), he works 6a-2p.

This backroom tm is rude and cocky as H E double tooth picks. He thinks he is better than everyone. Anyways, after talking to my p fresh (CTL), i was told by her that this backroom team member is talking to people, including the stores ETL LOG and telling everyone I am causing all the issues in our backroom p fresh. He has been saying I am causing location accuracy to go down and I am pulling items without subtracting. I know that is backroom team member doesnt like me because he believes i caused his hours to go down (in reality, the stores hours got cut) and that i "mess up" "his" backroom.

I am been with target for 2 years and have been backroom trained for 1 1/2 years. There is one thing i know i always do correctly is pulling items. I know to always pull the exact amount the system says (during cafs) and always put the amount i need pulled using SUBT.

How is possible for one person, me, who only works in backroom p fresh once a week to "supposedly" cause a lot of issues in the p fresh coolers/freezers when the person accusing me works in the coolers 5 days a week? If its not possible, then what causes location accuracy to go down in the p fresh coolers/ freezers?
Politics, ignore them. Ck your numbers vs his numbers & they should better than him. Have fun!
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Politics, ignore them. Ck your numbers vs his & they should be than him. Have fun!

No one ever taught me how to check your numbers, how do you do that? I know how to check what is backstocked in each location and by who and when.
In your br, should wall of reports. Look for the one with your name on it & compare to him & others.
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HLM is talking about the baffle report, I'd imagine. It's available on workbench, under Store Reports > DTK > find "Backroom Location Accuracy %", click it and then under "other reports" is the Team Member Location Accuracy Report.
HLM is talking about the baffle report, I'd imagine. It's available on workbench, under Store Reports > DTK > find "Backroom Location Accuracy %", click it and then under "other reports" is the Team Member Location Accuracy Report.

Lets talk about how much I love this report...I check it every week to view the TM's that go into the P-fresh batches and look at their scores.. see if i need to focus on anyone..
Fs, you are correct. At my store, the br tm's who don't used workbench, look at the report for their scores.
See i never knew about the backroom numbers. See, I only backstock one truck a week, roughly 6-8 pallets of p fresh product. Now i label and backstock in the proper locations in my backroom once a week. I rarely do pulls, if I do, it is using SUBT and pull the amount needed to fill the floor.

Now this other backroom p fresh team member is blaming all sorts of problems solely on me? Its bogus because he and the etl log are using me as a scapegoat. This tm accusing me of all these issues pulls all our autofills, backstocks our autofills monday through Friday as well as backstocks our Tuesday/Thursdays trucks. He works there 5 days to my one day. Do the math and I am not the sole issue as he says i am. Like most people, i may make a mistake here and there.
You need partner with your ctl & etl-hl, to get that tm on backstocking autofills, etc. let them know the issues. Document the events, in case of counter attack. Then talk to your hr.
Good Luck!
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