Archived Punch corrections vs. Pay period

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Aug 29, 2016
I've never had to do punch corrections before now, but I've had to do several in the past 2 weeks due to transferring to another store and being repeatedly borrowed at the last minute by yet another store. I've written up and turned in all my punch corrections literally the day of or the day after. I've worked 9 days in the last 2 weeks, but my online pay stub only accounts for under 25 hours!!!

Do punch corrections not get entered in for the pay period they were done for‽ If so, I'm completely fucked, I really wish someone would have told me about this, and I'll now be a whole damn month behind on my first rent payment because of that and the gap it took for my transfer to go through the systems.
Sounds like you did paper punch corrections instead of doing them online on eHR. It is possible that they got lost. Talk to your HR and ask them to pull up your time cards! Your HR can do historical edits and pay you with a voucher for any hours that were missed!
I never knew I *could* do online punch corrections!! :(
I literally just saw my papers. Still not given any explanation as to why they weren't recorded. I was offered the voucher if it's incorrect when I get my deposit.

Still makes me nervous until I either see a correction reflected, or a deposit that'll actually pay my rent.
Can you put part of your rent on a credit card until you get the rest of the money you're owed? It should buy you at least a few extra weeks so you won't to worry about a pissed off landlord.
My credit is currently trashed due to a TransUnion screw up that I haven't been able to correct yet, and I just moved. I'm stretched to the max right now and I'm really glad I stocked up on ramen a couple weeks ago. No, can't put rent or anything else on a card.
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