Archived QMOS help?

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Jul 15, 2013
A few times when QMOS'ing outdated perishables I have been confused about whether or not an item was actually processed... The touch screens on the PDAs are often pretty poorly calibrated and I'm trying to poke the 'Y' on the screen over and over and nothing happens. Sometimes I do that too much and instead of a 'Y' at the top of the screen, which would indicate that the items were successfully processed, a long number (either a copy of the DPCI or UPC) flashes up there and then the screen goes back to the screen asking you to scan the next item to be QMOS'd. My question is, does this mean that the QMOS actually went through, or should I be scanning the item in question again?

I really have no idea as to what's going on there, just a recommendation to avoid the poor touch screens and use the keypad as much as possible. On the PDA (in RF Apps) I just type "QMOS" - location - reason - scan the item - type quantity/enter - type y/enter. Even with making sure everything is keyed properly it takes all of four seconds to complete. If you do have to use the touch screen note that you can sometimes hit close enough to a button without having it go through, but a dashed-line box will appear around the button and you can hit the enter key on the keypad to send the command through - I have to do that frequently during the SDA.

As a side note, I actually have no clue if there is a QMOS app aside from the function in RF Apps, but I was talking about the RF Apps function and if there's one of those fancy graphics/touch screen-heavy apps in the main menu I'd recommend skipping that and just using RF Apps. Ah, RF Apps - it's black and white, letters and numbers, and it works better than most other options.
People actually try to use the touch function of RF Apps?! That gives me a headache just thinking about it. Use the keypad!
Considering the number of bunged-up keys on ours, sometimes the screen is our only option.
Gotta love a store that maintains its equipment....
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