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May 5, 2017
I see a dating thread but what about being friends? Can a TL and an AP TM be friends outside of work? Or does the dating thread pertain to any type of relationship outside of work?
I'd say the two go hand in hand.
An AP TM doesn't want to be doing anything that will give the appearance of favoritism especially if they have to be doing an internal.
If it turns out they were hanging out with someone they have to investigate the shit is going to hit the fan.
The TPS, APS and ETL AP all have wanted to hang out sort of outside of work, never taken up on there offer though
I see a dating thread but what about being friends? Can a TL and an AP TM be friends outside of work? Or does the dating thread pertain to any type of relationship outside of work?

I think it depends on the level of AP.

Totally inappropriate for an APS or etl AP to hang out with team members.

A TPS it's a bit different... they are technically not supposed to lead investigations on internals only an aps/APTL/etl ap does that. My old store had a tps who was roommates with three team members and all the store leadership knew about it.
Our ap is too cute but yea would never date anyone I work with but I mean keeping everyone just as friends at work but I DONT have anyone in my personal life besides team members outside of work just as friends or tms. I mean I talk to everyone I work with but just at work just to keep work with work and not letting it bother my personal life.
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