I met someone the other day who said they were fired from target, I was hired last month and since im still on my 90 day probation I want to make sure im not terminated,so what could cause a termination? any little thing, I wanna know so I can avoid that.
Compliance! Make sure you take your lunch before you hit your 5th hour!
Don't come to work hung over.....or drunk!
This! Although my store seems to turn a blind eye to the hangover. I knew someone who had been there for about 7 or 8 years who'd come in on a Sunday morning hungover and no one would say anything. I hope other stores are better...
My STL comes in with a hangover a lot, especially during fourth quarter. He is grumpy as ever when he does, firing off negative emails to store leadership. (I can remember Christmas Eve of 2010. I volunteered to work as the overnight LOD and he sent me five negative emails after an all night bender. No "thank you for working" or "happy holiday" greetings for me that night!) He also comes in during the summer months with shorts, a t-shirt and sandals on and works while wearing them!
I reported the numerous hangovers to corporate, but nothing was ever done about it. I guess if the DTL & Group Director like you, you can do nothing wrong! Yet let a team member forget to wear a name badge and it is an automatic coaching. Sounds like a double standard to me!
Don't say anything nice about unions.
That sucks that he can't handle his alcohol. But if I was at corporate, i would be instantly suspicious of ANY target employee who didn't have a substance abuse problem. They are obviously mentally ill and a huge liability. LOL jk!
AS hard as it may seem sometimes, DON'T curse out the guests for any reason. lol
I work for Target and I don't have a substance abuse problem...yet. 😀
During my 90 days, my wife's grandmother died. We had to make an emergency trip to Colorado (a 10 hour drive). Since I was on probation, I was paranoid I was going to lose my job. I kept calling work, telling them that if they really needed me, I would find some way back and come to work. We ended up having to stay for a week. Luckily, I still had my job, and I just passed my three-year mark.