Archived Reporting Behavior

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Sep 21, 2014
I've been having issues with a TL's attitude. This person is extremely rude and it's to the point where I don't like working certain shifts because I feel they're always seeking me out... I told my ETL but now I'm worried that I should have just kept quiet. Does anyone know how this kind of thing is handled? I'm relatively new at Target.
Well, from my experience, the way this is handled is it isn't. Unless it's something serious like harassment and you can prove what's going on to them, they probably won't do anything about it.
I kind of figured. I guess I'm worried about it being held against me because I complained about him... Thanks for answering!
Your ETL isn't going to come tell you that they've done anything. Also your TL isn't going to "lose their job", so if you're expecting drastic results, you're out of luck.

Most likely your ETL probably told your TL that they need to tone it down a bit and relate better to the team. Now if this is an ongoing issue, your ETL could put your TL on CCA. However... You'll never know. Just report it and move on.
I don't want him to get fired. I want him to be a little more respectful when he speaks to people.
Hopefully your ETL talked to your TL and said he might be coming across as rude. If hes professional he should have kept your name confidential. If its still a problem in a week, talk to ETL-HR
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