Archived Restroom Compliance %

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Mar 18, 2012
So I was wondering, are restroom scores a big priority in everyone's store? Now in 2012 (well, 4 months late ha) restroom scores don't hold weight to store score so does your ETL-GE still prioritize it?

On top of that, there is a printout that has Front End Sales information such as Photo Lab Consumables, Printer On %, Bags/Transaction, and Restroom Compliance %. Now, there isn't really a 'Green' goal for this, as it is just a percentage of how timely we are on checking the restrooms. Obviously higher percentages are ideal.

Back on topic:
Do your restroom checkups follow the same system?
If so, what are your avg daily percentages?
Does your ETL-GE prioritize the restroom scores?

I know it shouldn't really be a comparative assessment however I am curious to see how other stores manage this part. We usually avg 50-70% on Restroom Compliance...on days I am GSA/Cart Attendant its 80-100% as I can only account for 7-8 hours of the day. I don't think the other GSA/GSTLs really care unfortunately so they bring down the avg on days I don't work.

Okay thats all, everyone's input is appreciated. If you don't use the same restroom setup let me know!
We're fighting the same battle. We've improved on our restroom checkup via front end report, but guest survey scores for restrooms have actually gone down significantly. While the metric doesn't factor into our overall scores, it is still an opportunity for improvement. Ensure your buttons work, and attempt to have the entire cart attendant team follow some sort of schedule. Every hour they should be coming inside to do the restroom checkup. At that time, they should also swing by the lanes and take care of any reshop/hangers. Routines are everything!
We're fighting the same battle. We've improved on our restroom checkup via front end report, but guest survey scores for restrooms have actually gone down significantly. While the metric doesn't factor into our overall scores, it is still an opportunity for improvement. Ensure your buttons work, and attempt to have the entire cart attendant team follow some sort of schedule. Every hour they should be coming inside to do the restroom checkup. At that time, they should also swing by the lanes and take care of any reshop/hangers. Routines are everything!

Yup. I try to implement that routine as well as glancing at trash every hour however one of our CAs is like 65 years takes him like 3 hours to clear the lot when closing lol... One of our other CAs says that he gets the checks but I do not hear the verification at all when he works. Fortunately, our other 2 are a bit better at keeping up with it.

Maybe I'll show them the actual numbers... so they know that there is a score to keep up. Oh well.
I don't know what volume the store you work at is but at my store there is no way we can have our CA's check both mens and womens restrooms. We are a AA+ super so the only way to get the womens restroom clean is to delegate the responsibility to our female cashier breakers so we can keep the womens restroom open. Even doing this we can only manage to regularily keep our restroom check compliance between 60%-80%. To answer the main question in this thread restroom compliance is a focus with our GE but not THE focus. Survey scores are more important for us.
Can I ask you guys something? Does this thing apply to every store? Ever half hour I always hear the reminder on the walkies but I usually do them when I can like. (10 minutes after the reminder) I never had to press any buttons or what ever but a GSA from another target that transfered here was asking me why they werent done and I told her I did them. Then she went on and showed me some button I was suppose to press and I was like dafuq is this? Lol I never was taught this but I was later told by maintenance that we have never had anything like this for years because people were stealing them?
With restrooms, perception is everything. Every single team member is responsible to make sure they are stocked and cleaned. If you go in during your shift, pick up any tp or paper towels on the floor. Also make sure there is tp in every stall and paper towels in all holders. Make sure the sign off sheet is being utilized. If a guest sees that the cleaning sheet hasn't been signed off all day, the restroom is dirty to them. If you are on break and see it is a mess, let the GSTL/GSA know the restroom needs attention. Don't forget the pharmacy restrooms! They can make or break your score. A sales floor team member or TL should be able to check those hourly. It really only takes a minute to make sure the restrooms are stocked and clean. Our scores have been green consistently since we have taken this approach.
I don't know what volume the store you work at is but at my store there is no way we can have our CA's check both mens and womens restrooms. We are a AA+ super so the only way to get the womens restroom clean is to delegate the responsibility to our female cashier breakers so we can keep the womens restroom open. Even doing this we can only manage to regularily keep our restroom check compliance between 60%-80%. To answer the main question in this thread restroom compliance is a focus with our GE but not THE focus. Survey scores are more important for us.

Your store sounds exactly like mine 😀 haha we do the same thing.
We usually have CAs do the men's & a female cashier for the women's (usually the one who's been mouthy, lazy, bored, etc).
They just gave us an award called the Golden Crapper for having the most improved restroom score.

It's a pretty big deal.
In our store, our Gstl/GSA are all over the restroom checks. They make sure that they are on top of it. They fix it or or ba does, then move on.
Yeah we're a B Volume store and our CAs can only get into womens about half the time as it is =\
we're AA+, ive gone into the womens room ONCE in my time as a CA (was before store opening lol).

All our cart attendants are guys so they do the Mens room, otherwise its 50/50 for GSTL/GSAs, so they either do the womens or delegate to a female breaker.

And yes... brand attendant would be nice :/ haha
we're AA+, ive gone into the womens room ONCE in my time as a CA (was before store opening lol).

All our cart attendants are guys so they do the Mens room, otherwise its 50/50 for GSTL/GSAs, so they either do the womens or delegate to a female breaker.

And yes... brand attendant would be nice :/ haha

At my store, we only have male cart attendants and no BAs, so they always have to wait to do the women's room. If there is no CA in the morning (when the restrooms have barely been touched), then the opening GSTL/GSA (all are females right now) presses the button in the women's room and a male cashier (usually me if I'm opening) presses the button in the men's room.
At my store, we only have male cart attendants and no BAs, so they always have to wait to do the women's room. If there is no CA in the morning (when the restrooms have barely been touched), then the opening GSTL/GSA (all are females right now) presses the button in the women's room and a male cashier (usually me if I'm opening) presses the button in the men's room.

I'm the only guy GSA/GSTL in my store so I always ask Guest Service/Cashier to do it...

One of my Cart Attendants was joking around saying we could wear a dress and go in and check the Ladies' rest room. If us wearing dresses ensures green restroom scores I may consider it...
We wear a timer on our PDA and reset it every 60 minutes to make sure that we aren't forgetting to check the bathroom. We also have a timer up at GS set to go off so that they can try and get the bathroom too and it's also the breakers responsibility to be checking them. (this is all for the womens while the mens is the CA responsibility) It works out well and our scores have gone way up since Christmas.
We wear a timer on our PDA and reset it every 60 minutes to make sure that we aren't forgetting to check the bathroom. We also have a timer up at GS set to go off so that they can try and get the bathroom too and it's also the breakers responsibility to be checking them. (this is all for the womens while the mens is the CA responsibility) It works out well and our scores have gone way up since Christmas.

You don't have an hourly alert that goes on your walkie frequency?
We wear a timer on our PDA and reset it every 60 minutes to make sure that we aren't forgetting to check the bathroom. We also have a timer up at GS set to go off so that they can try and get the bathroom too and it's also the breakers responsibility to be checking them. (this is all for the womens while the mens is the CA responsibility) It works out well and our scores have gone way up since Christmas.
The bathroom ck can be reset to a 30 mins window. Ck on workbench.
we wear the timer just to remind us. We found that even with the call over the walkie we were just ignoring it but if we have the timer you have to actually shut that off and our numbers have gone way up since we started doing this.
My store recently began to tank in the restroom guest survey score and hes now asking everyone for their input on how to fix this. Does anyone have any good ideas for games or something to help the scores? I also like Hardlinesmaster's idea about changing it to 30 minutes but would that actually help or just make more people angry that its going off twice as often?

Any suggestions?
like i suggested earlier we wear a timer with the PDA and we also schedule the bathroom checks on the breakers break lists and the break list for Guest Services/Photo. They are required to check them during that time and if it's not happening we have to talk with them. The way we look at it is that we are providing guest service by checking them and keeping them clean and that needs to be a priority so we make it one.
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