Archived SAP Order Help

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"stuff" specialist
Jan 30, 2014
So I've got a problem and need some help...

I cannot find for the life of me the proper order number for the grey interview folders. The number on the folder itself brings no results. I've searched in SAP for any words that sound like it will be helpful, but of course that didn't work.

Anyone in HR or SAP savvy that can help me?
The company that made it is Ceva. But you're right, it doesn't exist anymore. And our pending orders for those folders haven't been fulfilled (and it's been over a month). Wish I could help you, but I'm in the same boat. We've been using walk the vibe folders instead of the grey's lately.
We've had the same issue with interview folders. But don't you have to use them per company guidelines? We've gone into seasonal hiring using Manila file folders with photocopies of the checklist/instructions stapled to the inside of the folder. Talk about Targhetto lol. And my HR TM tells me that they'll have to transfer all of that to the regular interview folders if and when we finally get them!
Yeah that's what we've been doing. Our ETL HR says we'll only have to move over the people that we extend offers to, but thats still going to be like 45 folders.
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