Archived Sign off and transfer?

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Jan 8, 2012
I'm currently a TL and will soon be interviewing to get signed off as a Sr TL/ETL in a few months. However, me and my wife are wanting to move out of state around the same time. What is the policy on getting signed off as Sr TL/ETL and then transferring out of the district?
That actually might make you more marketable! Talk to your STL about it and definitely speak to it in your interviews. You will most likely be asked if you'd be willing to relocate or something to that nature in your District level interview.
Thanks STLinMaking. I will definitely talk with the STL about it. Its been brought up before, but they didn't give me a solid answer. They beat around the bush and changed the subject.
Hardlinesmaster: Yes, the store I'm looking to transfer to is making the transition into Pfresh starting March. I'm good friends with a TL there, and the TL has already inquired about future openings for me.
*fingers crossed* Hopefully things will pan out and allow me to relocate! :yes:
I'm currently a TL and will soon be interviewing to get signed off as a Sr TL/ETL in a few months. However, me and my wife are wanting to move out of state around the same time. What is the policy on getting signed off as Sr TL/ETL and then transferring out of the district?

Ask your self this - how often does a TL opening come up? How often does a Sr TL opening come up?

If most stores are like mine - TLs positions may come up once every few months. Sr TLs positions? Damn near never. Maybe once in 2-3 years. Hell, the last time we had a SR TL vacany was almost 3 years ago when a Sr TL got caught stuffing money from the cash office in her shoes.

If you promote to Sr TL chances are there will not be an opening at a store where you want to move. (even if there is, that store probably will want to give it to a high potential TL that has been waiting at their own store over you)

So, I would transfer first before trying to go for Sr TL. Otherwise you will probably end up having to demote to TL again once you transfer because those will be the only openings available.
You're right with that. There is no room in our store for another Sr TL so they said I'd be on the bench til something opens up, but God know's when that could be. Not to mention the plethora of new ETLs flowing through the District currently... if it's going to be a while til I find a higher position, I may as well transfer to an area in the country I enjoy and remain a TL.
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