Archived Store in Houston with Team Trapped Inside.

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May 7, 2013
There is a store in Houston where Flood Water rushed in so fast that it trapped the team inside for at least 4 days. Maybe more. I could share all the details... Like Unlimited OT if they are working, sleeping conditions etc. But instead I will drop the link to the Reddit AMA from the TM trapped inside.

I think this is just nuts that they weren't closed before the storm rolled in. But then again, My store was warned about an incoming blizzard and our Governor order everyone off the roads in our area but we had to stay open throughout the storm. I was GSA/Service Desk/Cart Attendant/Cashier and I had to close down Food Ave and Starbucks because those TM's just left when they saw it getting bad. Only 6 of us in the store working and we all thought we would be stuck there that night.
This is very unprofessional on spots part for even having people in the store.

One week out they should have begun preparing. By the time the storm made landfall, the store should have been evacd, sandbagged, and locked.

Ten people were put into a very real life threatening situation and that is in no way acceptable. The stl at a minimum should be fired.
My first store would send people home in the event the roads would ice over.

My Super would never close.

My last store would only close because the opening ETL would run away from such danger.
I'm not in the Houston area but close. Management didn't start emailing preparedness checklists until Thursday so the preparation and training was very late.
During the Katrina/Rita one-two punch, there was a Houston store with a good chunk of the roof ripped off & flooded.
Region sent PMTs from around the area to help stabilize store systems until repair crews moved in.
A PMT from a neighboring store sent us a pic of another PMT wearing hip waders in water up to his waist while torquing up a pipeline.
This is very unprofessional on spots part for even having people in the store.

One week out they should have begun preparing. By the time the storm made landfall, the store should have been evacd, sandbagged, and locked.

Ten people were put into a very real life threatening situation and that is in no way acceptable. The stl at a minimum should be fired.

I hate to say it but its not unusual, I was stuck in a building as the brush fire was 50ft off the door and up to the edge of the parking lot. We were not allowed to leave until the LAFD came up in the elevator and ordered us out.. Cars had bumper covers melted off. Our leader said as long as they were there we should be allowed to keep working.. What a bitch.. LAFD disagreed with her, threatened to have her arrested if she didn't clear the office. I didn't need to be told twice - fire = GTFO!
This is very unprofessional on spots part for even having people in the store.

One week out they should have begun preparing. By the time the storm made landfall, the store should have been evacd, sandbagged, and locked.

Ten people were put into a very real life threatening situation and that is in no way acceptable. The stl at a minimum should be fired.

It went from tropical storm to category 4 overnight.
I hate to say it but its not unusual, I was stuck in a building as the brush fire was 50ft off the door and up to the edge of the parking lot. We were not allowed to leave until the LAFD came up in the elevator and ordered us out.. Cars had bumper covers melted off. Our leader said as long as they were there we should be allowed to keep working.. What a bitch.. LAFD disagreed with her, threatened to have her arrested if she didn't clear the office. I didn't need to be told twice - fire = GTFO!

As a srtl I was threatened with termination twice because I wouldn't open the store during a state of emergency. I know it happens, but leaders in that situation have a moral obligation to keep people safe. I pushed back hard on the challenges they made and eventually they backed down, when a state of emergency is declared there is no argument for keeping your store open.
It doesn't matter. There was a clear determination that this was going to be very bad days before it hit. There's no excuse to risk people in that way.

Agreed. That isn't leadership that blind submission and that gets people killed..

Leadership is saying "Hey this isn't safe! Stay home!"
With the approved OT, I'd be on the clock practically nonstop.

I'd also have my iPod dead within the first or second day.

We have a charger in the backroom and a couple chargers at the electronics boat. As long as the power didn't go out and we had to start busting out portable chargers I'd be good
They should’ve closed the store, but the mayor should’ve ordered an evacuation. He screwed up, 40 inches of rain is no joke.

Statistically, from what I've heard, more people died during the mandatory evacuation in 2005 than now. So I'm not sure you're evaluation of what the mayor should have done holds water.

Bad pun there.
It doesn't matter. There was a clear determination that this was going to be very bad days before it hit. There's no excuse to risk people in that way.
They had only a couple of days at most before it started raining, and nobody knew how bad the rain would get until it was already flooding.

They should’ve closed the store, but the mayor should’ve ordered an evacuation. He screwed up, 40 inches of rain is no joke.
I can understand the mayor's point of view on this. I don't know if you've ever been to Houston or driven through it during rush hour, but there are a fuckton of people living there. If he had given the evacuation order, there would have been 6.5 million people fleeing on the one major highway north and the one major highway east. It would end up being a far greater catastrophe if all of those cars were on the road when the flooding began.
There is a store in Houston where Flood Water rushed in so fast that it trapped the team inside for at least 4 days. Maybe more. I could share all the details... Like Unlimited OT if they are working, sleeping conditions etc. But instead I will drop the link to the Reddit AMA from the TM trapped inside.

I think this is just nuts that they weren't closed before the storm rolled in. But then again, My store was warned about an incoming blizzard and our Governor order everyone off the roads in our area but we had to stay open throughout the storm. I was GSA/Service Desk/Cart Attendant/Cashier and I had to close down Food Ave and Starbucks because those TM's just left when they saw it getting bad. Only 6 of us in the store working and we all thought we would be stuck there that night.

I can understand the mayor's point of view on this. I don't know if you've ever been to Houston or driven through it during rush hour, but there are a fuckton of people living there. If he had given the evacuation order, there would have been 6.5 million people fleeing on the one major highway north and the one major highway east. It would end up being a far greater catastrophe if all of those cars were on the road when the flooding began.
They attempted evacuations during Rita & many people were trapped on the roads having run out of gas & unable to get out of the storm's path.
They had only a couple of days at most before it started raining, and nobody knew how bad the rain would get until it was already flooding.

I can understand the mayor's point of view on this. I don't know if you've ever been to Houston or driven through it during rush hour, but there are a fuckton of people living there. If he had given the evacuation order, there would have been 6.5 million people fleeing on the one major highway north and the one major highway east. It would end up being a far greater catastrophe if all of those cars were on the road when the flooding began.

in most cases they, being the Man and or the Government, will not evacuate major population centers unless there is time to do so in a safe and orderly manner. if there isn't enough time, bunker in place and pray to your deity of choice you and yours live through what ever nightmare that is coming towards you.
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