Archived Switch to Target Tech?

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Sep 4, 2018
Hey everyone,
So I have a possible proposition... I’m electronics TM at my Super Target. I am always working alone and I never get help. I maintain electronics, books, toys, home goods, sporting goods, seasonal, and fan central. I’m always flying solo, and when I request help, I never get it. Every day is a 2 person job (sometimes 3). When I am unable to complete all my tasks (such as zoning, reshop, push, audit, sales, and much more), I am always getting negative feedback from management. I am very open to asking for help and for pointers. Well a door just opened, and I might just walk through it. We still have Target Tech. All the guys that work Target Tech next to me are just awesome and so helpful when they are free. They talked to their manager to about hiring me to be a Target Tech with matching my current pay. And they said good chance and that all I have to do is fill out the app online and the job is pretty much mine. Now let me just say that I love my STL and the ETL that hired me. They are amazing. However, my HR ETL (and most others) makes me feel miserable, dumb, and worthless. My fellow team members and I strongly believe that my HR ETL has a mental illness. Which nothing is wrong with that, but if you have mental illness then you should get treatment for it and not treat those below you with a large sum of disrespect. Anyways, back to what I was saying... Should I just switch to Target Tech and better myself with sales, better pay, and less stress?

TL;DR: Should I switch to Target Tech? They will match my current base pay. I need to get away from Psycho HR ETL (and other ungrateful management). Target Tech is offering matched pay (plus commission), less solo responsibilities, and better peace of mind.
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I wouldn't because I read on these tech is slowly being phased out..also it is possible to jump ship, however technically target does not like it when a contractor takes one of their employees , i think it is called headhunting and it is not allowed and they can make you wait 6 months gap between target and target tech if they wanted to. I went from target tech (it was target mobile then) because I moved cities and apparently my new store got rid of target tech all together and just let me apply as hardlines and i worked my way into electronics. I feel you on all the extra duties we are drowning in no loc books that need to backstock with NO room in the backroom. Yesterday i forgot my CAF again and now have to come in 6am on Sundays to do our own ad all the price change I have that I know is loaded in the gun for tomorrow! My advice is do your best....and have an answer to everything!
Our store got rid of outsourced tech. The new Op-Model calls electronics team members > Tech Consultants and they take care of mobile phone activations (well the 2 that were trained)
Our store got rid of outsourced tech. The new Op-Model calls electronics team members > Tech Consultants and they take care of mobile phone activations (well the 2 that were trained)
Nothing to do with the new operating model. It would have happened regardless of modernization. It just doesnt make sense to have target tech in every store. Marketsources contract is up in February so we will see what direction the rest of the company goes.
I just want to get away from the shitty managers in my store without transferring. Because Target Tech at my store is running strong and all the techs are nice, and their boss is nice.
Nice doesn't pay the bills especially if that job cant be promised /secured come february...we all have shitty co workers leads leaders or stls sometimes you get lucky and things work out on there own....if someone doesn't do their job or they fail at their job of manageing their departments always comes to bite them in the ass...just sometimes takes a bit longer than you would like :):)
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