Archived Target "Nurse-In" to take place on December 28th

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It's sad that it had to come to this. That such a basic biological function and bonding has to be considered lewd by some people.
Target gave us a pamphlet on this about a year ago. It said to let them feed were they want but if asked then you would suggest using the fitting room and never mention about using the bathroom.
Yes, fitting rooms are the Target approved nursing location. There was an email going around last week reiterating that. Fitting rooms good. Restrooms bad.
Always happy to see Spot having to deal with the consequences of having trained their staff in policy.
Politely suggesting that if they want privacy that the fitting rooms are available but that anywhere in the store is fine would be the best approach.
We'll see how that turns out.
Only because I don't think Target can be chapped to tell us this: said:
Are special precautions needed for handling breast milk?

CDC does not list human breast milk as a body fluid for which most healthcare personnel should use special handling precautions. Occupational exposure to human breast milk has not been shown to lead to transmission of HIV or HBV infection. However, because human breast milk has been implicated in transmitting HIV from mother to infant, gloves may be worn as a precaution by health care workers who are frequently exposed to breast milk (e.g., persons working in human milk banks).

For additional information regarding Universal Precautions as they apply to breast milk in the transmission of HIV and Hepatitis B infections, visit the following resources:

Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Update: Universal Precautions for Prevention of Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis B Virus, and Other Bloodborne Pathogens in Health-Care Settings. MMWR June 24, 1988, 37(24):377–388.
CDC. Recommendations for prevention of HIV transmission in health-care settings. MMWR 1987, 36 (supplement no. 2S):1–18S.
I've always wanted to turn it into a sales pitch..."Hey those are some grade a knockers, you should check out all our boob products in infants, we got stuff for nipples, ************, cleavage, EVERYTHANG YO!"
I've always wanted to turn it into a sales pitch..."Hey those are some grade a knockers, you should check out all our boob products in infants, we got stuff for nipples, ************, cleavage, EVERYTHANG YO!"

Boob products. Lmao!
The breastfeeding in public moms are never cute though, younger moms (read: cuter) have more discretion than to breastfeed publicly....
The breastfeeding in public moms are never cute though, younger moms (read: cuter) have more discretion than to breastfeed publicly....

Not to sound shallow or anything, but I agree, it's generally the ones you'd prefer not to see without a shirt on.
I fully support the right to breastfeed in public. BUT, why would you want to take your tits out in public? Sluts...probably the way they got knocked up in the first place, showing their titties everywhere to everyone.
....and, coincidently, that will be the same day a large influx of teenaged boys will be there to witness the spectacle....

Forty more boobs to deal with, it's like they just hired some more ETL's out of college.
We had a lady nursing in our café area a week ago, and my coworker (a 30-something MOTHER) was the person who freaked out the most. It seemed kind of ironic. 😛 I had to talk her out of going over and making a scene, because I knew people have gone to the press about this before.
I dont mind nursing babies at all. They do not leave cups stashed behind toys,toilet paper and on the gadget wall when they are through like the Starbucks drinkers do.
I fully support the right to breastfeed in public. BUT, why would you want to take your tits out in public? Sluts...probably the way they got knocked up in the first place, showing their titties everywhere to everyone.

As a soon to be mom who fully plans on breastfeeding, I take offense at this. I plan on breastfeeding in public. It is my right to feed my child when she is hungry. Breastfeeding is about as a-sexual as an act can get. There is nothing lewed or slutty about it. (this is me not calling you several choice names right now)
Jesus Christ, I was clearly joking in the second half of that post. "As a soon to be mom", you might want to look up the definition of sarcasm.

Again, I fully support the right to breastfeed in public, but why would you want to? Why would you plan to?

Of course breastfeeding can be sexual. If people get off on golden showers and eating poop, then breastfeeding can damn well be sexual, too.
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