Archived Target terms you hate

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Although its not really a Target term...its more of a thing some say over the walkie. For example, we have a certail etl who will talk to other etls all day over the walkie. He knows if they are in the building they have a walkie. He also knows that they have a walkie because he has been talking to them off and on all day. EVERYTIME he calls for them on the walkie he will say etl ( insert name) are you on walkie. I want ot to scream yes...they are on walkie...have been all day...that's how you have been talking to them.
"be more global" this especially when they were giving out the performance reviews. You want to move up in target? Be more global. How global can I be when I know almost something of every department, around the store from the parking lot to the back of trailer?
"be more global" this especially when they were giving out the performance reviews. You want to move up in target? Be more global. How global can I be when I know almost something of every department, around the store from the parking lot to the back of trailer?
parking lot .. anyone availble to get carts ... dead silence on the walkie.
It's too darn HOT outside for that shit.
Perhaps you need to register at that other place.

I think you'd fit in quite nicely! :)
"Just so you know"..

at my store..

It is literally, 90% of the time, someone else passing the buck, and I hear it honestly about 20 times in a shift.
Not really an official thing but something that bugs me about one of my TM's... We have a GSTL that says the title of whoever they are asking for when they use the walkie.

"Executive Team Leader Bob, please."
"Team Leader Joe, please."
"Team Member Adam, please."
"Asset Protection HardlinesGuy, please."
"Cart Attendant Bill, please."

He means well by it, but it's really annoying after a while.
Not really an official thing but something that bugs me about one of my TM's... We have a GSTL that says the title of whoever they are asking for when they use the walkie.

"Executive Team Leader Bob, please."
"Team Leader Joe, please."
"Team Member Adam, please."
"Asset Protection HardlinesGuy, please."
"Cart Attendant Bill, please."

He means well by it, but it's really annoying after a while.

OMG. I had an ETL-GE do this a lot. It's so unnecessary. I was "cashier Flabbergasted," then "service desk Flabbergasted," and finally "GSA Flabbergasted." He was the only one in the store who did this. After a while I went up to him and told him I was more than just a title and he just laughed. So annoying.
We have a lot double names in my store so it is common place and generally appreciated.

I also like it because by the time people actually push the button down on the walkie you get to the name rather missing half of it.
We have a lot double names in my store so it is common place and generally appreciated.

I also like it because by the time people actually push the button down on the walkie you get to the name rather missing half of it.
There are at least 6 John/Jonathans in my store. Prob some I don't know. A few of them go by Jonathan, the rest go by John + last name initial
We don't have a single John/Jonathan.

Go figure...
What is your location?
Quick Backup
Quick Break/Fifteen/Lunch
DCPI (ugh, say it right at least)
Rock Star
First Responder/Who is responding

All I can think of right now :)
I think I hate the adopting of hashtags for their lame catchphrases of the week over any of the Target terms.
Wave [zone]

All I can think of right now :)

This one in particular always triggers me because we had an LOD who would never check up on team members zones so at 9 or 10pm she would round up all of hardlines(2-3 closers) and wave zone the whole store
Not really an official thing but something that bugs me about one of my TM's... We have a GSTL that says the title of whoever they are asking for when they use the walkie.

"Executive Team Leader Bob, please."
"Team Leader Joe, please."
"Team Member Adam, please."
"Asset Protection HardlinesGuy, please."
"Cart Attendant Bill, please."

He means well by it, but it's really annoying after a while.
We had 2 Kathy's (neither of us work there anymore). I was salesfloor Kathy & the other one was GSA Kathy. That did help.
We had 2 Kathy's (neither of us work there anymore). I was salesfloor Kathy & the other one was GSA Kathy. That did help.
We have a situation like that with two TM's, one Hardlines and one Softlines. We usually just say Hardlines or Softlines after the name. But see my guy will literally say "Team Member Kathy, please." Not even differentiate between work centers.
A running joke I started with another team member was "partner up."

A former Lead/LOD used to love to say, "Hey Brine, let's partner up and blitz this out quick." I found out rather quickly that partner up was Target speak for go do it yourself.

So, over the walkie, to another specific team member, I would say, "Hey buddy, can we partner up on working these pulls?" To which he responded, "Alright, I'll go do them myself."

Three weeks or so later, we were pulled into the office and told not to say partner up anymore, as they felt it was a dig on that LOD. Eh, whatever.
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