The February 2022 Thread

We’ve got 2 brand new ETLs joining us, so looking at another 3-6 months of uncertainty and turbulence, which I thrive on…
We’ve got 2 brand new ETLs joining us, so looking at another 3-6 months of uncertainty and turbulence, which I thrive on…

New ETLs are always fun as they come in with their 2 weeks of training Kool-Aid and pretend they know enough to micromanage the shit out of everyone. Malicious compliance with their shit is always fun.
Price accuracy panic.
Busiest weekend in February with valentines & super bowl.
Scan all labels.
to hell with guest
to hell with freight.

Don't forget the RDCs dumping home freight on stores because corporate determined "your store has extra space in the backroom for it and it can't be swept back."
New ETLs are always fun as they come in with their 2 weeks of training Kool-Aid and pretend they know enough to micromanage the shit out of everyone. Malicious compliance with their shit is always fun.
I almost feel bad for the ones that come in all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, thinking they are going to make a difference. They are all smiles when you first meet them, so ready to kick ass and take names and clean house and get those metrics green.

And then what, maybe a month or so later you pass by them and give a cheery hello and they barely grumble a reply, and that's when you know they've realized the truth about retail and you sofly chuckle to yourself, thankful that you aren't management.
Price accuracy panic.
Busiest weekend in February with valentines & super bowl.
Scan all labels.
to hell with guest
to hell with freight.
We hit forecast in OPU before the closers came in, who the hell at corporate thought this one day sale was a good idea... rolled so much freight due to needing a ton of support from the floor all afternoon. Main stockroom steel is getting pretty full with what the DC has sent.
My style dept is also a shit show. Two new style leads and 4 new style team members. Actually 3. The other ncns herself out. My store was designated by dc to take extra freight. I thought last year was bad with Covid and supply chain issues. Boy was I wrong. I have been here 11 years and never seen it like this.
And this is why I just keep my head down, concentrate on my own area, and wait for the current crisis to pass. Have plenty enough on my plate and leadership knows about it so I'm left alone when it comes to backup and phones. The TM who used to help me get push done in my area left before 4th quarter and those hours have been absorbed elsewhere, so now I barely get my truck done, let back stock pile up, squeak through deadline stuff like setting end caps, no time to pay attention to FIFO, no time to zone and scan for outs, and the list goes on. We're always short-staffed with TMs out with covid and the hiring issues that everyone else has. Depending on how many call-outs we have, sometimes I can get an extra hour or so and do a bit of catching up, but it's just rough. I normally like doing revisions and transitions, but not really looking forward to the next round coming up soon. My store's Beauty transition has been a nightmare - lack of training for two TMs on how to set POGs, excessive call-offs for another, multiple trucks rolling - so it's likely that they'll be soaking up any extra help available to get them caught up. Ug, makes me want to crawl into a low back room space I reserve for those large shipper boxes and just hide with a blankie until April.
I am over the champagne expectations on a beer budget. I’m over Target pretending to be something it’s not. It is not some high-end specialty boutique that caters to fashionistas. It’s Big Box Retail that caters to suburban moms. Period. Just be who you are.

Bring back dedicated teams for pricing, instocks, pogs, backroom.

AND STOP WITH THE FLEX POGS! Just clearance that shit out already.
I am over the champagne expectations on a beer budget. I’m over Target pretending to be something it’s not. It is not some high-end specialty boutique that caters to fashionistas. It’s Big Box Retail that caters to suburban moms. Period. Just be who you are.

Bring back dedicated teams for pricing, instocks, pogs, backroom.

AND STOP WITH THE FLEX POGS! Just clearance that shit out already.
I miss instocks e v e r y s i n g l e d a y. I loved doing it and I loved seeing the results. I cry a little every time I walk past our domestics dept and look at the towers of towels that are daring everyone to cause a breeze that will bring them toppling down on top of some baby in a cart. I cringe as I wonder why corporate bothers to spend the money to send endcap signing when product is stacked and piled so high that you can't read the signs. I swear when picking OPU's and the assorted bandaids are in the single size spot and the 80 count ibuprofen fills the 40 count spot. I used to be so proud of what our store looked like and that our trucks brought us product that we actually needed to fill shelves instead of hours of backstock.
New ETLs are always fun as they come in with their 2 weeks of training Kool-Aid and pretend they know enough to micromanage the shit out of everyone. Malicious compliance with their shit is always fun.
Ours learned " stay outta our way and we will make you look amazing" yup didnt change the processes and just generally supports us. But yea they are always trying to make their mark.
Don't forget the RDCs dumping home freight on stores because corporate determined "your store has extra space in the backroom for it and it can't be swept back."
far away and long ago we had an STL that knew she was almost out the door. There was a pallet or two of freight we were never going to sell in a million years she had us sweep it back. The pallets came back. She had us sweep them back again. We got the pallet and a nasty note. Guess what we punted them back again with our own note nailed to the pallet saying in effect we could keep playing this game until they kept the pallet.

it possible but then the cost is rather prohibitive.
You would think after that big price audit thing, that we would be able to better about having labels on our pegs. Guess not
The TLs at my store ended up doing all the price audits. They started on Monday and did not finish on time. I asked who did my area and was told no one because they're sure I'm good. Ummmm.....with Q4 kitchen madness and Q1 hour cuts I haven't done my own price change in months, so I know it's fucked. But, OK. Let's pretend it's all good.