There's a Target chain in Australian that uses the same logo.

They get away with it because no one wants to go to Australia to fight them on it.
You would think they would've done something to prevent them from basically copying the store. I had a guest looking for something that he found on Australia's and I didn't realize it until I saw the url, even their website is similar to ours. If our Target ever expanded to Australia that would be funny as hell to see people get confused. I wonder if they have red cards too
Its a been around for a while. Target Austrailia is something similiar to a catalog showroom store.
There is also a kmart in australia. The funny thing is target and kmart are both owned by wesfarmers.

Yeah. The Kmart in Australia was once connected to the Kmart in the United States, but then they split into a separate company and now just share the name Kmart. The Target in Australia however, has always been separate from the Target in the United States.
When I was a sailor back in the mid-'70's, we went to Tasmania on Enterprise. I was surprised how they had all the top brands in the stores, but they were all a little off... copies. And way cheaper, too!
Yeah target (US) really got out of that line at the right time lol

Someone’s crystal ball was working when they made that decision. Though, Mossimo was very dated a few years back when they made that decision.

I now chuckle every time I now rewatch The Devil Wears Prada when Miranda name drops Mossimo. It dates the movie a bit more than a few other things could, including the T-Mobile Sidekick.
Target in Australia is more like Macy’s and JC Penny’s than it is a Target/Walmart