Archived Things Target Taught Me The Hard Way

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Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
As someone who tends to learn things by banging my head against the wall until it or my head breaks there are many events that fall into the thread title. Most of these involve pain, embarrassment, or both.
I'd be interested to hear about some of yours.

I've learned that ...

+You probably shouldn't wash your brand new work pants and shirt together.

+The new Waves go higher then old ones and you can push your head through the ceiling tile.

+Pushing a flat loaded with signs and pulling a tub of fixtures isn't conducive to sudden stops.

+Getting a cardboard cut across the base of your thumb will make you curse like a sailor, having it happen in the toy section with small children watching will give you an aneurism.
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- No matter what you professional or supervisory job you've worked before, you will be passed over for promotions from TM unless you've been around for several years and are in good relations with management

- If you can afford to provide your own equipment, and management allows it, do it.

- Don't trust other team members with issues in regards to safety. Always follow up yourself.

- Don't do today what can be left for tomorrow (but only if you are hourly)
- 'Better than it was' is something to strive for. It might not be 'correct', or it might not 'best practice', but at least it's 'better than it was'.
- The robot voice saying "change needed" wasn't talking about company policy.
- Never letting an ETL get you down. It is more than likely that in a few short months you will be adding them to the list of people you no longer work with.
Target taught me that their idea of a perfect ETL is one that looks like they stepped out of a college cheerleading video. They shudder at the thought of hiring a new ETL who is over 30. They go for looks over substance.

They are missing a huge talent pool in their own stores. Instead of using some of the awesome talent they have in the building they will find a reason that they are not promotable.

They really are not interested in how stores actually run. If they did they would have unannounced visits at all times of the day. Visits always happen from 8-4 and are announced! I would love to see the DTLs face if he stopped in on a Friday evening about 6 or so.....

There is a binder for everything!

The building will be scorching hot and humid in the summer.

The can make anything sound good if it is presented in pretty packaging. Well Being! Work life balance! Open door policy! Team development! Good theories all, but not reality.
-Don't bother trying to line up empty tubs and flats in a nice, neat, and orderly fashion, because no one, and I mean NO ONE cares, especially Flow team.

-Do not take the word of lazy Flow TMs, young part-time Salesfloor TMs, or generally anyone without a PDA for the truth, concerning something they pushed, and the "backstock" they brought back. If you have the time, check to see if any of it can go out, check double/triple locations, etc.
-No one will notice all the awesome things you accomplished but will notice the single thing you didn't do/messed up.
-My TLs spend more time WRITING about what they do as opposed to what they were actually DOING.
That a slippery floor, wet shoes, and hot fryer grease is an awful combination. OUCH!
Target taught me that their idea of a perfect ETL is one that looks like they stepped out of a college cheerleading video. They shudder at the thought of hiring a new ETL who is over 30. They go for looks over substance.

They are missing a huge talent pool in their own stores. Instead of using some of the awesome talent they have in the building they will find a reason that they are not promotable.

Lots of this. I hate to complain but over the past year I have noticed this.
-Do not take the word of lazy Flow TMs, young part-time Salesfloor TMs, or generally anyone without a PDA for the truth, concerning something they pushed, and the "backstock" they brought back. If you have the time, check to see if any of it can go out, check double/triple locations, etc.
This, this, this x 10000! Every truck day when I work backroom, I am always finding things that could have easily gone out on an endcap... They have been getting on our flow team's case about checking endcaps, and yet nobody ever bothers to check still, so we end up with 53 jars of JIF peanut butter that could easily fit on that back endcap that is RIGHT BY THE BACKROOM doors!:facepalm:
Target taught me that their idea of a perfect ETL is one that looks like they stepped out of a college cheerleading video. They shudder at the thought of hiring a new ETL who is over 30. They go for looks over substance.

They are missing a huge talent pool in their own stores. Instead of using some of the awesome talent they have in the building they will find a reason that they are not promotable.

They really are not interested in how stores actually run. If they did they would have unannounced visits at all times of the day. Visits always happen from 8-4 and are announced! I would love to see the DTLs face if he stopped in on a Friday evening about 6 or so.....

There is a binder for everything!

The building will be scorching hot and humid in the summer.

The can make anything sound good if it is presented in pretty packaging. Well Being! Work life balance! Open door policy! Team development! Good theories all, but not reality.

These are all of my biggest complaints too! I love how the ETLs and STLs will come up with reasons why someone shouldn't be promoted... but if ANY of them started at the TM level, they would have never been taken serious for any sort of promotion! I would like to have seen my STL start as a TM with the amount of training all other TMs in the company get and see how well she would have done...
- When the carpet is cleaned, it is also wet. Watch that first's a doozy!

I've successfully done a powerslide with the Wave after driving over the wet carpet and then onto the tile :)
I've successfully done a powerslide with the Wave after driving over the wet carpet and then onto the tile :)

Does taking out the front glass in electronics boat count using the wave?

Both awesome examples. Wish I had good ones but besides putting my head through the ceiling I have taken out a baystack and got stuck up in the air when the motor died.
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I have learned that hard work gets you nowhere and you have to know how to play the game to get a promotion.
Keep your mouth shut. Trust no one. People who seem like your friends can turn on you at the drop of a hat. Some people never grow up. People are stubborn. Birds of a feather actually do flock together even when they are feuding. Become friends with your boss (I don't really believe in chain of commands) but realize others may not like it. If people do not like you they will turn anything petty into a big deal. Oh, and be honest, you'll feel better.

Yeah, another day at Target High. I still have half a year of this final...
its funny how the store level they dont do a lot of internal promotions but yet they forget that our current executive vp- stores, started as a store team member in 1987 and when up the chain from stl,dtl, senior region vp, and executive vp region , to now executive vp-stores.., i just think is so weird how they keep the best talent at the bottom instead of taking a chance and seeing what that person is about.
:thumbsup: On the don't trust anyone. I found that out the hard way once:thumbsdown: I told a TM ( who I thought was my friend) I was complaining about how mean the TL was and how she is making us run wild for her and she does nothing in return. Needless to say she squealed and the TL said to me if you have a problem with me tell me do not talk behind my back.
Well i learned the following while working in the p fresh area.

- You should buy your own personal gloves to withstand the freezers.

- Buy a red fleece jacket to wear while working in the coolers

I always wear a gray jacket and no one say anything to me. I only pull autofills, ptm/price change and 11am Caf pulls though so i really dont spend the entire time in the freezer
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