Archived Time Off Request Limit?

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Oct 28, 2017
Hi. This summer I am needing 3 periods of unpaid time off. The first would be 6 days long and the other 2 times would be 10 days off that would be 26 days off in total. I work part time about 15 hours a week, 3 days a week. I am just wondering if you guys know if it is going to be a problem for the management? I have been there 1.5 years and am a cashier. All the trips would be in June/July. I just put them in the system as soon as I found out about them. One was approved and the other 2 are still pending. Does anyone know if there is a limit for days off we can take off? I wouldn't request any more days off after this. Thank you. It is just important for me to go on these and I am afraid that they are going to tell me they can't do it and that I would have to quit. I was planning on talking to the HR tomorrow because I haven't seen her yet.
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At my house, if it’s longer than a week, talk to your TL/ETL/ETLHR. As far as limits, I haven’t read anything about limits policy wise; I’ve had a Tm who requested 3-5 periods off in two weeks span, didn’t deny them but just let them know we need to be considerate of others who may request time off during the same periods. If you’re 3 days a week, it shouldn’t be a problem for them to find someone else to schedule. HR would be the best ones to talk to. All I know is that it goes through your TL/ETL, then HR after a period of time.
10 days total or 10 days consecutively??

I also have 2 trips planned for a total of about 15 days but one in June and one in August. One would use my vacation time, the other would be non-paid.
10 days total or 10 days consecutively??

I also have 2 trips planned for a total of about 15 days but one in June and one in August. One would use my vacation time, the other would be non-paid.

10 consecutively short of the workaround of doing separate request
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