Archived TM mishap

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Oct 11, 2011
So my store is going through the remodel and of course coming in today after having a few days off was like a slap in the face when I saw all the changes. I had seen some prior to coming in today for my mid-shift in the backroom. In other words, getting used to aisles being switched around took a couple hours lol. But that is just a start off to the post, the real story is what my co-worker told me about an hour until my shift was over.

When you hear a story that starts off with "Hey, I f**ked up real bad", you know it is going to be good. So my ETL-LOG takes a vacation about every two months it seems. And he will usually call us once or twice to check on things or do something extra that our TL didn't have for us perviously to do. Well according to my fellow backroom TM, our ETL had called and said something (names have been changed to protect identify and myself) "Hey Ned, Joel forgot to do the OUTS today, if you could take care of that, that would be great"

Ned: But Andrew I have never done the OUTS

Andrew: It's easy, just go out on the floor and scan an a couple items you know we dont have any backroom locations for

So he proceeded to do just such, but never having done OUTS, he was unfamiliar about what would come up when scanning items. So something that appeared to be an error to him on the PDA, was actually the OUTS operation how they were supposed to. Well as you can imagine, because he kept getting what looked like an error message, he scanned more than a few items, he scanned 16 to be in fact.

This started a trickle down effect. This registered a big "no-no" in headquarters eyes and had gotten wind of what our numbers were for logistics and the store the next day and boy were they not happy. So a few days after he came back for his next shift and got another call from our ETL-LOG. Apparently what he had done, made the whole store at 33%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So someone from Headquarters , who lives in Atlanta called and b*tched out our STL, who then proceeded to b*tch out our ETL-LOG, who then was furious with our TL and so on. And while he didnt get in any big trouble, I think he has set some kind of record lol. But just thought that was interesting.

Any other big messups or mishaps to share?
I don't understand this situation at all... First of all, your ETL-LOG wants him to scan outs that he knows doesn't have backroom locations? Second, 16 scans destroyed your score? And third, the DTL actually called because of this WTD number which will change back to your normal score the next week? If I were the GTL I would first coach the ETL-LOG for trying to hide his outs with locs numbers and wasting payroll! Second I would question how 16 scans would effect the score that badly? Those must have been the only scans for the entire week if that is the case! When i was instocks I had well over a thousand scans every week in outs (and another 800 in research) and there were two others on the team! I am confused how 16 scans can even effect the score... And third, why is the DTL wasting his time on this?
I don't understand this situation at all... First of all, your ETL-LOG wants him to scan outs that he knows doesn't have backroom locations? Second, 16 scans destroyed your score? And third, the DTL actually called because of this WTD number which will change back to your normal score the next week? If I were the GTL I would first coach the ETL-LOG for trying to hide his outs with locs numbers and wasting payroll! Second I would question how 16 scans would effect the score that badly? Those must have been the only scans for the entire week if that is the case! When i was instocks I had well over a thousand scans every week in outs (and another 800 in research) and there were two others on the team! I am confused how 16 scans can even effect the score... And third, why is the DTL wasting his time on this?

Thinking the same thing.....
I don't understand this situation at all... First of all, your ETL-LOG wants him to scan outs that he knows doesn't have backroom locations? Second, 16 scans destroyed your score? And third, the DTL actually called because of this WTD number which will change back to your normal score the next week? If I were the GTL I would first coach the ETL-LOG for trying to hide his outs with locs numbers and wasting payroll! Second I would question how 16 scans would effect the score that badly? Those must have been the only scans for the entire week if that is the case! When i was instocks I had well over a thousand scans every week in outs (and another 800 in research) and there were two others on the team! I am confused how 16 scans can even effect the score... And third, why is the DTL wasting his time on this?

Our store had a goal of 3000 OUTS scans this week. 16 wouldn't touch the %. I do not understand the details of this story at all.
I have no clue what OUTS are (since I've never been outside the pharmacy~LOL!), but it still seems to me that there are a few details missing from the story....I can't fathom how 16 items could put the ENTIRE STORE at 33%??? Those numbers just don't add up....if 16 items were "33%", that would mean a TOTAL of 48 items and even I know that's not probable....
The only sense I can make of this is perhaps the OP meant the TM shot research, the "How Many Do You See Here?" being misconstrued as an error screen and the counts being zeroed out. And those miscounts affecting the AP shortage indicator percentage for Instocks. But... it still doesn't make sense.
I don't know if I was the stl at the op's store, andrew would be getting promoted to instocks teamlead. That was a pretty brilliant synopsis on running a green instocks process. God forbid you actually get stuff out of the backroom with outs. **** that, get your green score little duffle bag boy!!!
Again, I am going off what he told me, and he was somewhat vague about the story, so not all details were there. I was skeptical myself about the 16 items and how it is impossible for that to make goes from green to deep red.
There are lots of stores (mine included) testing a no-OUTS process. We are not allowed to use the function, at all, ever, for any reason. The ONLY person who is allowed to use it, per best practice during this test, is the LOG TL who is supposed to do just what the OP described: scan 3-4 items which are known to have no backroom locations. This ensures that the metric is 100% for the week on DTK--and HAS to be done, because if you scan 0 items for the week, the score comes up as N/A but is counted as a 0% in terms of calculating the overall replenishment score.
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