Archived Typical Team Leader Routine?

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Mar 6, 2012
So with all the knowledge compiled here what does everyones routines look like... lol Im sure Ill get some snarky replies but seriously I am curious how my store leaders compare with others in their routines and daily tasks.
1)Clock In
2)Read emails asking why 16 hours of work wasnt completed my last 8 hr shift
3)Listen to ETLs telling us how many CAF's we have over the walkie every 10 minutes and respond only if they call me by name
4)Tie salesplanners 2 weeks out so the backroom team will hopefully pull them by the week they are due
5)Pick a 4ft section to FIFO in market so Flow team can undo all of it the following morning
6)Cover the front end for 30 minutes (55 minutes in GSTL time)
8)Complete Business Walk so I am able to do my job for the next two weeks
9)Listen to cashiers be recognized over the walkie every 5 minutes for completing their basic job requirements; contemplate recognizing sales floor team members over the walkie for pushing a CAF for a laugh
10)Attend huddle so I can be told to drive sales and provide guest service because my memory is erased every time I clock out for the day
11)Get 6th PDA that says 100% and dies 5 minutes later
12)Clock out
Do that & be the only one of 2 sf folks in hl. Then fill out the paperwork, ck emails, do sp's & tasks. I am helping guests & answering call buttons right now...sorry for the vent.
ditto! Lol add in following up with team members about why they werent able to do their tasks.
1)Clock In
2)Read emails asking why 16 hours of work wasnt completed my last 8 hr shift
3)Listen to ETLs telling us how many CAF's we have over the walkie every 10 minutes and respond only if they call me by name
4)Tie salesplanners 2 weeks out so the backroom team will hopefully pull them by the week they are due
5)Pick a 4ft section to FIFO in market so Flow team can undo all of it the following morning
6)Cover the front end for 30 minutes (55 minutes in GSTL time)
8)Complete Business Walk so I am able to do my job for the next two weeks
9)Listen to cashiers be recognized over the walkie every 5 minutes for completing their basic job requirements; contemplate recognizing sales floor team members over the walkie for pushing a CAF for a laugh
10)Attend huddle so I can be told to drive sales and provide guest service because my memory is erased every time I clock out for the day
11)Get 6th PDA that says 100% and dies 5 minutes later
12)Clock out
1)Clock In
2)Read emails asking why 16 hours of work wasnt completed my last 8 hr shift
3)Listen to ETLs telling us how many CAF's we have over the walkie every 10 minutes and respond only if they call me by name
4)Tie salesplanners 2 weeks out so the backroom team will hopefully pull them by the week they are due
5)Pick a 4ft section to FIFO in market so Flow team can undo all of it the following morning
6)Cover the front end for 30 minutes (55 minutes in GSTL time)
8)Complete Business Walk so I am able to do my job for the next two weeks
9)Listen to cashiers be recognized over the walkie every 5 minutes for completing their basic job requirements; contemplate recognizing sales floor team members over the walkie for pushing a CAF for a laugh
10)Attend huddle so I can be told to drive sales and provide guest service because my memory is erased every time I clock out for the day
11)Get 6th PDA that says 100% and dies 5 minutes later
12)Clock out

I was going to say that sounds like my store and then I realized it is!
You did forget to mention the midday zone and the endless calls about reshop.
For me it is all of the above plus sending up my daily Weights and Measures issues which need correcting, up to MySupport in hope that they are fixed by the time we have our next compliance visit
this had me cracking up!!!!!!!!!!

1)Clock In
2)Read emails asking why 16 hours of work wasnt completed my last 8 hr shift
3)Listen to ETLs telling us how many CAF's we have over the walkie every 10 minutes and respond only if they call me by name
4)Tie salesplanners 2 weeks out so the backroom team will hopefully pull them by the week they are due
5)Pick a 4ft section to FIFO in market so Flow team can undo all of it the following morning
6)Cover the front end for 30 minutes (55 minutes in GSTL time)
8)Complete Business Walk so I am able to do my job for the next two weeks
9)Listen to cashiers be recognized over the walkie every 5 minutes for completing their basic job requirements; contemplate recognizing sales floor team members over the walkie for pushing a CAF for a laugh
10)Attend huddle so I can be told to drive sales and provide guest service because my memory is erased every time I clock out for the day
11)Get 6th PDA that says 100% and dies 5 minutes later
12)Clock out
It depends on what shift I'm working, but about 50% of my shifts are mids, so I'll share that. I'm HL, btw:

1. Clock in, get a PDA or walkie if they are available. Usually I have to hunt them down throughout the store.
2. Spend a few minutes checking email, printing schedule grid.
3. Meet with LOD. Get a rundown of the day and what's going on. If I have a specific project that I really want to work on or complete, I will let them know.

And that's about all that is concrete in my routine. I work in a very high volume P-Fresh store, so my job, above all else, is to provide great customer service and make sure my team is doing the same. That includes salesfloor calls and backup requests. Here's a few things that I'll do on my shift if it's not super busy.

-Refill/fix endcaps/sidecaps in my section of the store. Flex product into empty spots and make labels
-Drop PTM batches for MPG aisles. If the BR is busy I will also pull them myself. Then flex into the aisles. I actually really enjoy this - making something disastrous look nice.
-If there are any awful endcaps, I will find something to replace it with. The POG teams does all of our endcaps and other salesplanners, but the TLs can as well if we feel it's necessary and have the time.
-Push re-shop if it is getting really bad.
-Cover breaks in electronics.
-Midday zone that is supposed to last an hour, but I often spend most of if with guests.

Obviously TLOD-shifts are a little different. During those I really try to focus on what I can do to make the LOD's job easier. I also check up frequently on TMs in the store so that I know what is going on with everyone.
I feel that there are way too many people with titles on the sales floor on any given day in relationship to the basic Team Members. Yesterday alone we had 10 people with titles of TL or higher and only a handful of what I like to call the "grunts" aka team members. It's pretty much like this everyday so I can't as a TL get off the sales floor and do any paperwork or training. I have to be available to help guests, reshop, caf, and zone. How can I possible do anything else? I don't even have enough time for tasking. My schedule only allows for Monday, Thursday and Friday's for tasking and I lose a lot of Friday's because we have meetings every other week and then when I'm scheduled to close on Saturdays and Sundays they want me to do a closing shift on that Friday also. Now I hear they are rolling out a TLOD program and the day I'm scheduled for that I also will not be able to task.
We have had the TLOD program in my store for over a year. Since I'm scheduled to come in before the ETLs, I walk the store, fill out a Quick Fix list, and write down on the Break Schedule which area each team member is assigned. Once I see them on the floor, I give them a photo copy of what tasks they are to complete - which aisles to zone, grab reshop, and aisles that need to be filled.
If you're looking to move from TL to ETL, then the TLOD program is a great way to take on extra responsibility and prove that you have the ability to run the store. I'm not sure how long we've had it, but I know it's been in place since I started.

I really don't mind being TLOD. It's a good taste of what being an ETL will be like. But I always go into each TLOD-shift knowing that I won't be able to get much task-y stuff done, but that's ok. It mixes things up a bit.

That being said, if you're not looking to move up in the company, and aren't a huge fan of your job, you probably won't enjoy being TLOD.
We have had the TLOD program in my store for over a year. Since I'm scheduled to come in before the ETLs, I walk the store, fill out a Quick Fix list, and write down on the Break Schedule which area each team member is assigned. Once I see them on the floor, I give them a photo copy of what tasks they are to complete - which aisles to zone, grab reshop, and aisles that need to be filled.

Ah, team members to assign things to. Must be nice to work in a store that has those.
Trust me, there aren't many, so I make use of what I have. Sometimes Early Morning and Instocks will help push Stand Alone PTMs that I shoot around the store if they are done with their tasks

Go ahead and berate cashiers all you want, it just reinforces why so many cashiers think sales floor tms/tls are stuck up.

Go ahead and berate cashiers all you want, it just reinforces why so many cashiers think sales floor tms/tls are stuck up.

Did I miss something? All I saw him say about cashiers was:
9)Listen to cashiers be recognized over the walkie every 5 minutes for completing their basic job requirements; contemplate recognizing sales floor team members over the walkie for pushing a CAF for a laugh

I can't possibly see how that's berating the cashiers--or even being negative toward them. It seems squarely aimed at the TLs/ETLs who are recognizing them for (if cj's store is like mine) things like getting a RedCard, or getting a guest to say they'll take the survey, or helping with a carryout when the lanes are slow. Meanwhile, the sales floor team gets no recognition for doing equally basic parts of their job, like working pulls, answering phone calls, or setting up rainchecks/substitutes.

My theory here is that--at least for the ETLS--they are more likely to recognize the cashiers for the basic stuff because those are things the ETLs rarely do themselves. The few times they do actually come out and do grunt work, it tends to be on the sales floor, and they're less likely to recognize the team members who are just doing the same things they themselves do. Just a theory, but it seems to fit what I've observed pretty well.

When it comes to the TLs, I suspect the disparity comes from the fact that the cashiers have a TL who is doing nothing but supervising them and watching them and helping them all day long. The GSTL can actually see his or her team members for their whole shift. On the sales floor, on the other hand, a team member could do his or her job without seeing a TL more than once or twice an hour, because they're all so spread out across the floor. You're more likely to recognize someone for something you actually see them do. Again, just my thoughts on the subject.
1)Clock In
2)Read emails asking why 16 hours of work wasnt completed my last 8 hr shift
3)Listen to ETLs telling us how many CAF's we have over the walkie every 10 minutes and respond only if they call me by name
4)Tie salesplanners 2 weeks out so the backroom team will hopefully pull them by the week they are due
5)Pick a 4ft section to FIFO in market so Flow team can undo all of it the following morning
6)Cover the front end for 30 minutes (55 minutes in GSTL time)
8)Complete Business Walk so I am able to do my job for the next two weeks
9)Listen to cashiers be recognized over the walkie every 5 minutes for completing their basic job requirements; contemplate recognizing sales floor team members over the walkie for pushing a CAF for a laugh
10)Attend huddle so I can be told to drive sales and provide guest service because my memory is erased every time I clock out for the day
11)Get 6th PDA that says 100% and dies 5 minutes later
12)Clock out

Wow....your store sounds miserable! What are you doing to help fix it?
Wow....your store sounds miserable! What are you doing to help fix it?

A) I think your sense of humor is busted, might want to have that checked.
B) Did you notice all the other posts under his that posited that they must work in the same store? There must be some problems endemic to the company not just to his store.
C) Very few of the TL's I have worked with are not doing their damndest to make their store better but if you take a close look at cjllonewolf's post you'll see why that is pretty much like pissing into the wind.
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Cashiering is the worst job at target, and recognition goes a long way to make them enjoy their job more. We don't need to take that away from them 🙂
Wow....your store sounds miserable! What are you doing to help fix it?

Fix it? There is no fixing it. You have to understand the store and the culture there. If you challenge the STL on things then you are marked and there are very few who survive then. If you don't get in with the 'click' then you better perform your ass off and try to maintain a low profile. Every work center dumps on the sales floor there and that's just how it is. They don't finish the truck? No problem, hardlines will do it. The planograms didn't get set correctly, pushed or missing signing? No problem, hardlines will do it. There is back-up needed at the checklanes (while the GSTL is somewhere??, food ave., starbucks and guest service is doing nothing). Don't worry, hardlines is on the way! Team it's time for the midday zone! SLTM 1 you have RTW, SLTM 2 you are in mens, SLTL 1 can you make sure the team is on task? SLTL 2 is going on break! SLTM 3 you have shoes. Electronics you have electronics and E. HLTL or HLTM you have A, B, C, D, F and 8 CAF's and some PTM on the line and your reshop is overflowing. HL why are you not getting all 3 call boxes and doing back up?
Did I miss something? All I saw him say about cashiers was:

I can't possibly see how that's berating the cashiers--or even being negative toward them. It seems squarely aimed at the TLs/ETLs who are recognizing them for (if cj's store is like mine) things like getting a RedCard, or getting a guest to say they'll take the survey, or helping with a carryout when the lanes are slow. Meanwhile, the sales floor team gets no recognition for doing equally basic parts of their job, like working pulls, answering phone calls, or setting up rainchecks/substitutes.
Glad someone's paying attention
Fix it? There is no fixing it. You have to understand the store and the culture there. If you challenge the STL on things then you are marked and there are very few who survive then. If you don't get in with the 'click' then you better perform your ass off and try to maintain a low profile. Every work center dumps on the sales floor there and that's just how it is. They don't finish the truck? No problem, hardlines will do it. The planograms didn't get set correctly, pushed or missing signing? No problem, hardlines will do it. There is back-up needed at the checklanes (while the GSTL is somewhere??, food ave., starbucks and guest service is doing nothing). Don't worry, hardlines is on the way! Team it's time for the midday zone! SLTM 1 you have RTW, SLTM 2 you are in mens, SLTL 1 can you make sure the team is on task? SLTL 2 is going on break! SLTM 3 you have shoes. Electronics you have electronics and E. HLTL or HLTM you have A, B, C, D, F and 8 CAF's and some PTM on the line and your reshop is overflowing. HL why are you not getting all 3 call boxes and doing back up?
You forgot "Oh these hardlines endcaps are the cleanest and fullest in the entire district AND they're all signed correctly...good work Logistics ETL!" - DTL
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