Archived United Way

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Jun 21, 2011
It's that time of year again. Charities are a funny thing and United Way is no different. Please, please, please do your homework and know where your money is going. Not all that glitters is gold. Sometimes better charity choices are a local church, homeless shelter, or food bank. That's all I have to say about that.
And I say it every year -- "It's a Con" to make Spot look good at your expense

You want to donate -- do it your self - and show HR the receipt
They HATE that

And again my favorite Extortion story --

Standing at the Tomain Ave. counter waiting for my change -- all $1.32 of it --- HR - Mrs. Fattass ( I call her that - because she has a fat-ass
) Comes waddling up to me and said -- "Your gonna donate that money to united --- aren't you" !

I said - "NO" - "And stop harassing me - or I'm gonna report you to yourself"

She gets her Tea and 6 hot-dogs ( did I say she has a fat ass
) --- She paid with a $ 20. --- I say -- "Are you gonna donate your change" ? ----- "Oh -- I already donated last week"

3 hours later -- shes walking around with - "THE VICTIMS LIST" - "I see you still didnt contribute yet"
It's bull I don't see how it doesn't fall under soliciting team members on company premises.

And that's a funny story somebodyslave, it reminds me of an ETL trying to get team members to do their grocery shopping at pfresh, and then going and getting burger king, and being seen with it in the breakroom. Doesn't target have great food you could be buying?
I donate directly to my my churches charity, I know they do good work. As someone posted above the United Way thing is just to make Target look better at your expense.
I don't have a problem with United Way and do donate a little out of every paycheck.
However most of our donations are through our shul.
I donate to St. Jude's Children's Hospital monthly, directly to them from my checking account. I usually just provide my hr with the receipts.
It's bull I don't see how it doesn't fall under soliciting team members on company premises?

Nope -- Spot makes the rules for Spot -- now when an ETL at the morning TWT meeting asks for people to buy candy bars for his kids soccer team --- I'm good for box -- because the league wont advertise --- "Look we extorted money to show how nice we are" -- and -- "I need candy to keep my fat ass"
I don't have a problem with United Way and do donate a little out of every paycheck.
However most of our donations are through our shul.

Nothing wrong with donating to the United Way, I just wouldn't do it through Target, do it directly.
They are in no way forcing you and they should always mention at huddles it is voluntary. You still have to return the paper (for whatever reason I don't know) but check you don't want to donate. They cannot and should not ever say things like that ("Your gonna donate that money to united --- aren't you") you can call your STL on them and have a viable reason to do so.
They are in no way forcing you and they should always mention at huddles it is voluntary..

And they do say its voluntary --- ever hear of subliminally / subjective brow beating --- in my world its called "Mental Masturbation"

You still have to return the paper (for whatever reason I don't know) but check you don't want to donate..

So they can work on you and go on a list --- don't return the form one time -- watch what happens --

1st. time -- to embarrass you - at a TWT meeting "You" will be asked to return the form -- in fact it will be the first time "The List of Shame" appears -- "I need the forms back from ????? and ??????

2ed. time -- you will be called to HR or hunted down and asked "Wheres your form and the donation" --

3rd. time -- you will be handed a new form and strongly suggested to donate

They cannot and should not ever say things like that.

Short of recording it - the next time - its usually said with a smile and a laugh - to cover their ass later --

Don't take this personally ( I don't know you -- you don't know me ) -- In the world of free will -- some people actually resent having Spot order them how to think / act / spend the money they work for -- Spot is my employer - not my conscious --
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I stopped donating to United Way when they reduced their contribution to several of my fav groups & cut several altogether. I said I'd rather decide how much of my contributions go to which charities.
I've been HR black-listed ever since.
The government is also big into this. Every October/November, the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is run. It is totally "voluntary" but they put a lot of pressure on you to participate. I only did so once, in Basic Training, when the theme seemed to be "give or we will not let you graduate" joined with "give until it hurts." Never again. I would rather give directly to my charity than go through CFC.
Should be able to google it.
I don't know if it varies from state to state (or even town to town) but I was also looking into their administrative costs one year after the local paper did a story compring several well-known charities. The local UW was catching some flak about their admin overhead but I think it's been trimmed after the article.
Nope -- Spot makes the rules for Spot -- now when an ETL at the morning TWT meeting asks for people to buy candy bars for his kids soccer team --- I'm good for box -- because the league wont advertise --- "Look we extorted money to show how nice we are" -- and -- "I need candy to keep my fat ass"
This may sound like a dumb question, but what is TWT? Is it the term for our morning and evening huddles? Sorry I was just racking my brain thinking I should know what it means lol.
anyone know where i can find out what groups they support so I can control where my money goes too?

Your ETL HR has a link or a print out of the zillions of charities that UW funds. You can choose to direct your donation to the charity of choice. So why not just donate directly, right????
When they take 5 minutes out of my workday for 2 weeks straight to cheer lead for a charity I choose not to support, I do have a problem with it. Put it on the table talkers, mention it at one huddle and have the forms available at TSC for team members if they choose to contribute. When Target is giving out .05 per hour raises and then they brow beat team members into giving only $5 per week it makes my blood boil.
When they take 5 minutes out of my workday for 2 weeks straight to cheer lead for a charity I choose not to support, I do have a problem with it. Put it on the table talkers, mention it at one huddle and have the forms available at TSC for team members if they choose to contribute. When Target is giving out .05 per hour raises and then they brow beat team members into giving only $5 per week it makes my blood boil.

I agree that it's almost impossible to donate (for me at least) in this economy, the exec staff has to go through this charade ( ahem; fundraiser). I usually just try to make it as fun as possible and get through it.

But I totally agree with you!!
What is the benefit of showing HR your donation receipts from other charities?

1. - "Heart and Caring" - So they can see my ex-wifey was wrong --

2. - "Anti-Lemming Factor" - So when the order comes from Spot - to start heading for the cliff - you wont be included in the head count --

3. - "Intelligence" - So they can understand your education wasn't waisted --

4. - "Harassment Factor" - Just maybe they'll leave you alone --

5. - "Spine" - You still have one - don't you - Wifey was wrong there too --

6. - "Just to Piss them off" - Sometimes that bug-eyed look they give you and the bumbling pre-written speech is priceless -- "You didnt have to go to all that trouble - it would have been e-z-er if you donated through Target" --- "Yea - but - I wouldn't have that warm and fuzzy feeling I get from exercising my free will" --

7. - "Odd Number Wednesday" - I missed it - you should have asked this yesterday -- No Intern for You --
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I always contribute to United Way, but I designate what charity I want my money to go to, and ask for a thank you letter. You just write in the address of your local charity you want your money going to on that slip they are asking you to turn in. I normally choose Salvation Army or Red Cross.

Eons ago, I heard United Way helped fund something that went against my beliefs, so thats when I started doing that.

All my HR cares about is you turn in that slip of paper, no matter if you put a $$ on it or not.
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