Archived Want to screw with TM's ... your dark secrets

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May 6, 2016
Maybe not dark secrets, but some days I just want to fuck with people I work with. Usually when it's slow and I'm bored.

Put spider wraps on the deactivator things on check lanes and let 'em beep.
Do change orders on all the registers when we're slow.
Try to open every locker 3 times.
Put out baskets of reshop every 30 minutes with only 5 or 8 items in it.
Turn on all the lane lights when there's only one cashier at the end of a Saturday night.
Tape all the boxes back together.
Super glue every single goddamned toy at the check lanes to the hangars so kids can't take them off and throw them around. (God, I'm starting to hate kids)
Send overflow to food ave.
Suspend every transaction and wind up with no score for the shift.

Not that I'd actually do anything naughty, but I've thought of it.

Anyone else?
I'm not looking to go out with a bang, I like my job, but yesterday was the slowest day I've ever experienced in any job ever and I had time to muse while looking for something to do. Seriously, we had tumbleweeds all day.
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