Archived Water

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Hardlines TM
May 29, 2017
Hi! I know cashiers are aloud to keep a water bottle under the counter, but is Salesfloor aloud to have water? Because honestly when I'm running around the store I get really thirsty and waiting 3 hours is just a really long time. I know I sound like a baby but I just get dehydrated really fast and was wondering if any stores allow Salesfloor to attach a water bottle to their belt hooks?
No one is allowed to have a bottle of water on them while working. However, most stores allow it and rarely will anyone say anything about it. If it's true that cashiers are allowed to have water at their registers at your store, then in order to be fair and consistent, anyone should be allowed to have a bottle of water. Leadership cannot say it's ok for one person to do something and not another.
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At my stores, as long as no mess is made and it doesn't cause a problem, I allow any water,starbucks, soda, and even snacks. I want my cashiers to feel energized while getting red cards!!
Leadership cannot say it's ok for one person to do something and not another.

Not necessarily. The company sick/illness policy is stricter for starbucks/cafe/deli then it is for regular tms.

In general I don't think any leader has an issue with water, there are certain areas though you can run into issues with Steritech though so it's tricky.

This isn't really a great question for this site due to ASANTS so you will want to check with your leader.
My STL saw me drinking a red bull (was left at the Electronics counter) and didint really care. As long as your a responsible TM, and you don't spill obviously you should be OK.
If you have a medical need for extra water, or if you are really good buddies with your doctor, just get a doctor's note. I'm on medication that dehydrates me, so that's what I did.
I'll always have water around me. If most of the store can take these 5 minute "breaks" to smoke I can take 10 seconds to have a sip of water.
Not necessarily. The company sick/illness policy is stricter for starbucks/cafe/deli then it is for regular tms.
We're not allowed drink/food around ANY part of our area because of the risk of contaminating the food/drink prep zone. We're allowed to fix a cup of water to take a gulp before tossing; we can NOT keep a personal container around the area.
Steritech dinged us for a barista's personal drink on a shelf in back & our ETL said ANY personal items found would result in a coaching.
They don't play in our areas.
I look the other way when TMs bring water bottles to the register. Our ETLs say we can't have personal items including water at the register but hey, it gets dry in there and you have to talk a lot so if the cashier wants to take a swig in between guests I don't see an issue with it. You just can't keep open or personal drinks in food areas as it is a Steritech violation (as stated above).
I remember a SB TM told me steritech was there. I had my personal reusable water bottle in the back. I ran and hid it somewhere. Unfortunately it was our STL who came in, and as they were leaving, steritech walked in. DOUBLE PLAY :confused:
It was never allowed, but Team Leads always walked around with coffee during ad set.

Wait, what the...
Why wouldn't that be allowed? It's before the store opens.
Ahhh so that's it. So with that being said, you guys wouldn't mind me rolling out vehicles of product from the backroom with a frap in hand, is that correct?
When I was Hardlines I'd have a reusable water bottle in my reshop cart 90% of the time. As a TPS, I've usually got a coffee or the same water bottle sitting on the nearest closed register whenever I'm at the doors. I've never had any issues, and it's not a big issue at my store. As long as you don't make a mess and it doesn't get in the way of your job, leadership doesn't seem to have any problems.
No one is allowed to have a bottle of water on them while working. However, most stores allow it and rarely will anyone say anything about it. If it's true that cashiers are allowed to have water at their registers at your store, then in order to be fair and consistent, anyone should be allowed to have a bottle of water. Leadership cannot say it's ok for one person to do something and not another.
Because if they do and you produce a doctors notice that you need it, this can quickly turning to a Televised event. Water bottles are generally ignored because most mgmt are smart enough to understand that.
Ahhh so that's it. So with that being said, you guys wouldn't mind me rolling out vehicles of product from the backroom with a frap in hand, is that correct?
No, provided that you finish and dispose of it properly (and you brought it on break or lunch)
Because if they do and you produce a doctors notice that you need it, this can quickly turning to a Televised event. Water bottles are generally ignored because most mgmt are smart enough to understand that.

If you need to be hydrated for medical reasons, you need to produce the documentation beforehand, not create a 'gotcha!' moment when someone questions you.
Ahhh so that's it. So with that being said, you guys wouldn't mind me rolling out vehicles of product from the backroom with a frap in hand, is that correct?
Where are you going to get a frapp when the store is closed?
According to Steritech, no water at all allowed, but when you get your food handler's license (at least in my state) the material clearly states that you can only have drinking water in closed containers. My TL compromises and asks that we have a closed container (obviously) and store it in a hand sink that almost never gets used. That makes it quick and easy to dump the water and toss the cup when Steritech walks in. We often skip/miss breaks due to lack of coverage in Deli and guests would notice/complain eventually if we ran off a couple times a shift to get water at the water fountain.
According to Steritech, no water at all allowed, but when you get your food handler's license (at least in my state) the material clearly states that you can only have drinking water in closed containers. My TL compromises and asks that we have a closed container (obviously) and store it in a hand sink that almost never gets used. That makes it quick and easy to dump the water and toss the cup when Steritech walks in. We often skip/miss breaks due to lack of coverage in Deli and guests would notice/complain eventually if we ran off a couple times a shift to get water at the water fountain.
The food industry standard is drinks are allowed in food prep areas as long as they are in a clean, sealed container. For satety reasons, Target attempts to go above and beyond food industry standards in a variety of ways. Although you may get dinged by Steritech, you're not violating any FDA regulations.
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