Archived What to do about a failed time off request/ LOA??

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Jun 9, 2016
I am going to Germany for three weeks. A month in advance I tried asking it off as usual. When I did, it told me it was too long of a time frame and I should consider an LOA. A GSA happened to be standing right there so I asked her if that's what I should do. She told me that I could break it up into 3 different requests and it should be approved, because that is what someone else had done. I did this and forgot about it until today. Today the schedule came out for the first week I will be in Germany. I am scheduled for 32 hours. Now I realize that my time off request wasn't approved, but now it is too late to submit an LOA request. I know I need to talk to HR, but they are never available to talk when I go in. How can I go about fixing this? And will they allow me the time off? Clearly I won't be available to work so what will they do for the hours I am already scheduled? PLEASE HELP.
First post all shifts on swap board. The request was not approved, and you are on the hook for those shifts. Talk to your ETL/TL--whichever one takes care of time off requests. Explain the situation and have him approve a request for the remaining 2 weeks of your trip while you are with him, if possible.
Go ahead and post for the time that hasn't been scheduled yet. Unfortunately you were already scheduled for that week and it's up to HR or your STL to help cover those shifts already scheduled. Youl probably have to ask around and get those shifts swapped with some people or you will be held accountable for the missed days. Don't give up, talk to HR, if they won't help, talk to your STL or ETL of your work center. Good luck!
For future reference, you need to ask for and get approved for the necessary time off when your trip is still in the planning stage.

You need to either go to your HRTM or ETL-HR (surely you can find at least one of them) and tell them that you goofed up and you can't work those shifts due to being out of the country.
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