Archived What you like about working for Target?

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Jul 8, 2011
I know it may sound kinda cheesy, but being totally new to the company, I'd love to hear some positive things about working for Target. Like for me, I'm really really excited that Starbucks refills are only 50 cents! For some it might not be a huge deal, but I'm a big coffee drinker and I love Starbucks.

Every job has negatives, but I think it would be cool to have a thread that just focuses on the positive side of working for Target.

For me it's the people.
At my store all my coworkers are nice and chill. Pretty much everyone is going through college or recently graduated besides the higher ups so we all are in our 20s and can relate to each other. Our TLs are extremely friendly and never boss you around.
I used to have a pretty good list.
Now? I gotta think about it...
For me it's the people.
At my store all my coworkers are nice and chill. Pretty much everyone is going through college or recently graduated besides the higher ups so we all are in our 20s and can relate to each other. Our TLs are extremely friendly and never boss you around.

lol in my store it's exactly the opposite... our ETL's are all 15 years younger than many of us. . . even our STL is that much younger
Only thing is that I'm not working at Wal-Mart or McDonalds... Otherthan that nothing really, but then again I work at a pretty crappy store and in a joke of a dept.
I've made some good friends at work, both dayside and overnight. The money isn't great, but I make a lot more than minimum wage which works for me.

Not to mention, it's a pretty easy job.
I will always remember my coworkers. I loved the people I worked with; I couldn't stand the people I worked for.
Some of my co workers... uhh..... They pay me on time, I have a job, ummm.... actually thats it short list.
I love my team. We have a great crew from all walks all of life that make every night interesting and fun.

Target has a ton of discounts with other retailers and businesses which is also cool.

Sometimes I get free stuff, which is also cool.
I can honestly say I love working for Target. I went from team member to team leader in a year. I have good support from my peers. I don't involve myself in drama so I'm on good terms with everyone that works there. I don't depend on this job for money it's more for experience and I couldn't be happier at my Target.
I like my job, I dont dread going in in the morning, for the most part, things are good. Pay is kinda low, and hours are erratic, but I love the company culture, attitude, brand, all of it!
I know it may sound kinda cheesy, but being totally new to the company, I'd love to hear some positive things about working for Target. Like for me, I'm really really excited that Starbucks refills are only 50 cents! For some it might not be a huge deal, but I'm a big coffee drinker and I love Starbucks.

Every job has negatives, but I think it would be cool to have a thread that just focuses on the positive side of working for Target.


What?!?! Why did nobody inform me of this?!?!?! JUST coffee or everything? I guess it doesn't really matter because I get free refills with my gold card anyway, but still, it would hbe been nice to know!
The people I work with is what I like the most, plus Target has some pretty good health benefits 😉
Our store honors Starbucks card policy and refills are free (assuming you used a registered card to pay).

I have to admit that I enjoy that there are so many really cute kiddos that bring their parents in to shop.
There are really good people working here. There is some satisfaction from looking up at a really complicated piece of signing and knowing I get to rip the damn thing down in a couple of weeks.
Busting my butt to come clean after a 2700 piece truck and the immense satisfaction that comes from having no pallets and every vehicle backstocked at the end of the night, imagining the surprise on the morning crew's face.
My co workers are all really great to hang with and talk to at work for the most part.. Just one or two people that are fcuking annoying and walk around miserable and hate life :facepalm:. I hang out with 3 of the ETL's and they are really great people.. We call it Team Building exercises :thumbsup:

Best part the STL acts like a 20yr and makes it his personal mission to run around and make everyone laugh and have a good time.. Very easy going and friendly and if you have a problem no matter what will be there for you.
thanks everyone for the great responses!

yep we have 50 cent refills on all the drinks at starbucks, even the tea!!
Target has always been willing to train for any position I was interested in - I appreciate that!
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