Archived What's an extended intern?

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Nov 14, 2014
Is it like ETL training? I've seen a few people in my store scheduled for that. One Of them is only 17.
They're doing that a lot at my store, I know of at least 5 people that are interns Right now
What do most interns make for pay?
Not bad. Many tenured TLs don't make that.
I'd agree, we have an extended intern, but he's 27, not 17.
If I remember correctly, @bullseyekindaguy was an extended intern.

@CAMcgee, it sounds more like your store is just using Extended Intern as a paper workcenter, similar to how some stores use Logistics Zone, Inventory, or Offsite for things that aren't remotely related to the name of the workcenter. Could just be that the TMs scheduled in that workcenter are working on a special project.
I doubt the 17 year old is going into his/her junior year of college, so it's probably a paper spot. If I'm not mistaken, you also have to be at least 18. Extended interns made 17.50 in my area and its up to the store if they want to keep them, or any other store they're near for college.
Really? We cut tm hours. People making $8 an hour. To hire one intern. Who makes $17.50 an hour. Do they do twice the work?

In what world does this make sense?
Our intern making Sr. To pay doesn't bother me. He was a great TL prior to being an intern, and the only TL our store ever had work LOD shifts.
An extended intern is an intern who has been extended an ETL offer, but wants to continue training before graduating college and starting ETL Business College.

Extended interns can be seasonal, working only during 4th quarter or can work the school year before starting BC.

Stores do not have to take an extended intern on, and the choice is usually up to the DTL and STL. Unlike the summer interns, who are on corporate payroll, extended interns are expensed to the store and thus their pay and hour will be deducted from the store's payroll.

I was an extended intern, utilized as a additional GSTL. Only reason I got the job was because we were down in GSA head count and the GE-ETL was attempting to performance out the GSTL.

I made 18.50 an hour during my extended internship and was given between 25-30 hours of pay.

If you decide to take an extended internship, make the expectations of what your STL/mentor want from you clear. The STL who granted me the extension wanted me to focus on the GE metrics and trying to improve the performance of the GSA/GSTL. However, when we got a new STL, she wasn't happy that I wasn't given more leadership in the building and though I was a poor performer. My mentor, in sucking up to her, agreed. Didn't help I had to cut my hours during my last semester and the STL thought I lacked dedication to the company.

Long story short, I left before taking the ETL role. Now I work in HR full-time and have a part-time cashiering jobs at Meijer.

Fun fact: interns can be any age, as long as they are in college. One of the other interns in my group was 31 and was doing the internship for an MBA program.
All of the interns I've seen are external hires. Are current TM/TL in college eligible for internships too?
All of the interns I've seen are external hires. Are current TM/TL in college eligible for internships too?

Yes. Internal candidates must be in good standing and have the support of their STL.

Internals will usually be given an "advanced" internship, meaning you'll skip over most of the basics, be given more responsibility and get into LOD duties at a faster pace. You will probably have to transfer stores.

EDIT: An advanced intern can also be someone who has already completed an internship and is completing another. Due to graduation delays, where they are at in ther studies, etc
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