Archived When does Target open on Thanksgiving?

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Just saw the ad while visiting one of the stores I used to work at. There was one thing on there that actually looked pretty good, but not good enough to wait in line on Thanksgiving for. I also learned that this store just lost a TPS when their ETL-AP came up to me and asked if I had ever though about coming back to Target...its a pretty huge store, but in a low theft area so they don't have much for AP. They're going to have one TPS and an ETL-AP for all of Thursday and Friday unless they can get backup from other stores. I'm praying for them.
It's the same shitty ad we always have. Never even heard of that brand of TV.

Which one?? TCL is Korean if I remember my electronics TL correctly when I asked where it was from.

Black Thursday I will probably do like I do every year. Buy a few pairs of jeans for myself and hubby and a pair of boots.
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The only thing that is really exciting is the beats.They will definitely sell out really really fast. Everything thing else is meh..
it seems pretty much exactly like last year's ad, which was disappointing to me as well.
I couldn't help but notice some discounts are actually worse than last year. All apparel is 30% off, while last year it was 40% off.
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