Archived Where are the cut in hours?

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Oct 15, 2016
I keep reading threads with posts saying they are cutting hours?

When are they going to cut hours?

I have been hoping to receive less hours.
Same, hahahahaha
I think when more seasonal people come a long. It's sad knowing that other people though honestly who NEED the hours, don't get the hours and people who do NOT need hours get excessive hours.

40 hours this week, next week & last week ALL closing shifts.
4th quarter starts next week, which is the busiest time of the year and sees far more hours available. You won't see any cuts until January unless your store is severely understaffed.
I keep reading threads with posts saying they are cutting hours?

When are they going to cut hours?

I have been hoping to receive less hours.

Check the thread dates. Most of our stores cut hours big after back to school. Thats probably the thread you saw.

All stores staff pretty well in q4. They need all the help they can get. Until January when they cut them again.
It's the food holiday these next four weeks will be insane in the grocery aisles

We are already preparing with pallets of can veggies cranberry sauce stuffing mix

Did I mention 5 pallets of turkeys and 64 spiral hams

Get ready to spend time pushing food wether it be dry or pfresh.
We're still slashing hours at my store. No workcenter is safe. Last night there were only 2 (TWO!) softlines people scheduled for overnight. To push whatever comes off the truck on top of the 3 flat's worth of repacks from the previous one. Not to even mention the lack of hours everywhere else.

It's also not even just the shortage of full-length shifts, everyone is seeing shifts get shorter and shorter. We used to have the backroom closer from 2:30-11pm. Then we pushed up up a bit to 3-11pm. Now it's 4-11pm, meaning the closer comes in halfway through the 3PM CAFs which makes no sense at all. A closing shift only nets me 6.5 hours now. And I won't be surprised if it gets cut to 4-10pm, either.
While you guys are ramping up hours, my store keeps cutting them for some reason. We've been in this eternal February for a while and for the next couple of schedules we still are.
Mine too, we had to cut 300 hours this month. We have yet to have a "good month" this year.
Since I started first week of the month, I've averaged probably about 25 hours. Only 20 this week, but back up to 27 next.
As long as I'm able to make the regular $181 a month for my car + insurance and have money for gas + money to do/invest in hobbies or to entertain myself.. bah who am I kidding I'm always gonna need 28+ hours a week but won't necessarily want it.
Backroom. The last month had been 3-4 day weeks at 6.5 a day. Can't get to 40 if I wanted, we haven't had extra hours since June. Luckily I had accrued so much vacation over the years that I still got paid it's that bad. Dayside backroom team was halved a while ago so some of them are only getting 2 days a week now. STL and LOG don't seem to care about how much backstock is in the back, as long as we get the black line done now everything else is a bonus.
5-5.5 hrs for 5 days as a Backroom TM. I need at least 35+hrs. Luckily so far I keep ending up around 32hrs per week, either they ask me to stay or come in on my day off.

What annoys me though is our SFS TM who gets 35+hrs every week. Last year I'm the SFS TM when we started but put me back in the Backroom because I'm that damn good and Backroom needs me. Now I'm busting my ass for my fucking hours while the one replaced me gets 35hrs with 10 orders (not batches, orders) per day.
The week of November 6th, my hours dropped. Anyone else see a drop in hours? Or does that mean I am doing a bad job and they decided to give me less hours. This is the 1st time my hours dropped since I started.
Schedule that just posted still has me at the least hours despite having wide-open avail.
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