Archived Who is in charge of Infant Hardlines at your store?

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Flow pushes it with the softlines stuff, but aside from things being picked off the ground on an as needed basis by softlines, I’m pretty sure it’s like paper- nobody truly claims responsibility for maintaining it, and it’s generally treated as the last priority when zoning.
One person who only does infants and doesn't respond to softlines or hardlines calls. I think her hours comes from hardlines but no one from hardlines takes care of it when she's not there. So... 🤷
A homeless wizard?
Unrelated but this one Gandalf looking homeless dude comes in our store and wanders around (mostly grocery but often men's softlines looking for socks or other underwear stuff on sale) and he knows where everything is bc this one lady came and asked me where some thing was while I was working SCO and I radioed softlines but typical softlines is too busy not doing reshop and not on the floor to radio back and the homeless dude was finished checking out and he offered to show the lady where her thing was and she's like "yeah okay, please!"

So he's in charge of softlines now as far as I'm concerned.
Homeless wizard cause nobody else has time for it. I remember when I first started many moons ago baby was the biggest priority no one left until it was done 100 percect. Of course that was back when we closed we stayed till EVERYTHIJG was done and we didnt go home till 2 or 3 am. . .
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Flow hits baby hardlines last after every other block is done. It's one of the most annoying blocks to push on flow because the aisles are the narrowest in the store + heavy guest traffic. Most of the flow noobs will stare in baffled confusion holding a case of baby food so I have to squeeze through the bodies to scan it with a Zebra and point to the location so they don't cram it somewhere. I caught one of them with a case of formula and he had just given up looking for it on the wrong aisle and was about to dump it next to the baby monitors. Another one had a pair of little boy socks that belonged in Boys and he hung them on a random peg with the baby socks, and I said, "uh that goes over in Boys, BOI"

Just flow things!
Softlines. Unfortunately no training for it, so things are often flexed to the point where the right stuff is completely squeezed out. (And mostly unrelated, whoever designed the planogram for stores to follow must have been high as a kite.)
Flow pushes the truck and Softlines does cafs, maintains end caps, and zones at night.
All about the flow baby! I wish it was done by softlines but they can't get their own area done.
Right now softlines as the thought is the HBA2 guest is the same guest that is shopping for infant clothing and such
You need to let everyone know where infant Hardlines is located in your store. It’s different. At my store it’s actually in Hardlines next to shampoo. In newer stores it’s actually in infant clothing area.

Our Hardlines/flow team members push the freight, do the audits, etc.
Softlines handled it at my old store but did their best to pass it off to Electronics if they could.
They try to get hardlines to do it. They will schedule you with a shift label of "KID" but half the time you will never get to toys if you start in baby (infant) or the other way around. Especially with Push, Reshop and zoning.
They pass all the cribs and heavy stuff to electronics, which has got to stop. I've down right refused and told them to do it. If it was up to hardlines, they would pass everything off to electronics. 2/10 calls are for items in kitchen and domestics. It's getting old real quick. For example: AC units... why in the hell would they be in electronics??? Just because it has a freaking plug doesn't make it my task. But they tell the guest to go to electronics anyways.
Hardlines. And if they don't currently at your store, they will.
I got told yesterday that I'm going to be "in charge" of it. I can barely manage the work load I have now. No support from my superiors, LODs constantly redirecting my TMs to different tasks than what I wanted them to do, and a complete lack of communication has left me angry, sad, and confused. THEN they throw the guy who was barely treading water a ten pound weight.

LOD asked me a question yesterday and I didn't know the answer. She said I should know because I'm a TL. I responded that "I ain't leading but 2 things: jack and shit. And jack just left town." That's a quote from Army of Darkness, but it's 100% applicable to my situation.
I had to do furniture, pipo diapers, after unloading 4-7 pallets from the trailer. Buggies 3 - 6 of food. Then 4+ pulls. Then repacks. Forgot quote oops.
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