Archived Why Do You Stay?

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Sep 28, 2016
What do you do every January when hours are reduced (assuming you're not one of the lucky TMs who never see a seasonal drop in hours.) Do you supplement with a temp job until hours pick up or just deal going from 30-40 a week to 4-8? Why do you ride it out? Why not get a job w year round consistent 40?

The past few years I saw a slight drop come January but nothing like I got this year. Hours are slowly coming back and I'm asked to stay until I've got to take a lunch some shifts. Still that means working 4 or 5 days a week and only getting 20-25 hours. I've talked to my STL and he says they'll never be a guaranteed set hours as rise and falls and cuts 'come with retail.' I'm going back and forth in my mind - should I stay or go, knowing that this increase in hours is only temporary. I'm curious why others stay. Hopefully having some other perspective might help me decide what to do.
Well now I stay because I’m a parent who doesn’t really have to work and it’s the highest paying part time job I can get around here since I’ve been working at Target forever.
I started in January. Basically I'm just here until I can get a full time job without settling. I've gone from only 12 hours when I first started to now having 32 hours on the newest schedule. To supplement my income in January, February and first part of March though I worked at a grocery store and joined those food delivery services
I'm staying to see all the shitload of mess thats impending due to no Backroom team pricing team signing team. I want all of the other team that got it easy from those teams to fully experience it haha.
My STL and ETL HR thinks its just like a piece of cake due to how fast it was done everyday.
Its my 2nd job. Here only until I have my financial ducks in a row/kids graduate from college....which will be longer than I'd like but it's the season I'm in and I'm willing to make it work. Retail (imo) is mostly mindless and fairly easy money and offers flexibility in the way that a different job might not.
Only around until I graduate. Bills sadly don't pay themselves, and Target is nowhere near intellectually stimulating.
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I’ve stayed because it’s easy work, and I truly enjoy working with my co workers. I consider many of them friends. Though after almost 4 years, I think I may finally be burned out and leaving soon. I usually go on temporary unemployment when hours go down, but even that’s not cutting it anymore as bills rise. I understand that’s retail life, but how could any one justify only giving someone 8 hours a week(in my case 5 and a half) and be okay with that? I don’t get it.
Came back during my graduate program to earn some extra cash and not be sitting around moping on weekends (due to depression and a breakup, overall a LONG story). Currently keeping it as a cushion so I can eat this summer and in case I don't get a full time job come September. Target + something else part time/something that will give me health insurance = survival right now.
Originally stayed due to flexibility with school and honestly the hours are nice for me. I’m actually liked (which always surprises me), so when I am low, I often get called in to do something or stay late/ come early. As a GSA, I’ve been averaging 38, so I’m obviously happy with that.

The biggest reason would be the people, though. I cannot stand some, but I love my people. It’s so corny, but I really do. Some have left and some have plans to leave, but I still do have a few. When they leave, I’ll be so emotionally checked out, I will have no other choice but to leave. Until then, I just enjoy their company and ability to make the work a little less sucky.
I stay because I have no higher education and if i leave i would only be able to get another retail or service job. I would just be back in the same situation. Might as well stay where I know how everything works and I’m friends with everyone. I really hate it at target so much though. Today was really rough I cried when I got home. I am planning to go to school though in the near future so hopefully I won’t have to spend another Christmas at target.
Close to home, not a lot of experience on my resume, fear of the unknown when it comes to job-hunting, a useless degree, a dream job that is disappearing, but I'm getting so far behind with bills that I'm gonna need to do something. I really need two jobs (or a damn good new one, but again, no experience), but I'm sure that limiting my availability will just push me out the door.
I stay because I have a mostly regular schedule doing OPUs 4 days a week for 30 hours. And, most weeks I'll either be scheduled for a 5th shift in another workcenter or be able to pick one up. It also helps that I enjoy the work. I can just zone out and pick. Leadership mostly leaves me alone. I don't have to deal with guests on the floor unless I want to. It's not a bad gig.

If I was only getting 4-8 hours a week, I'd be gone. That sucks. Keep looking for another job. Spot isn't worth it for those hours.
I've stayed because if I am going to work at Target, I am in the position I want to be in. But that all changed with modernization! I started applying for jobs about 20 minutes after they told me I was being moved to a different department. Crossing my fingers to find something🤞🤞
Because I get close to 40 hours every week. But since I read the changes of making the same pay as a guest advocate and elimination of GSAs, I’m being used for the sake of development that I no longer desire. Because I know so many departments and a lot about the store and they don’t want to train anyone else. I don’t ever feel appreciated.

Once I move out, ill be putting in my 2 weeks as the commute would be impossible and I’ve been wanting a new job anyways.
Because I've applied for multiple jobs that better fit my skill set and none have given me the time of day lately.
Up until now, Target worked as a job for me doing pog and signing. I didn't mind irregular hours at times, and I mean overnights or early mornings. But with the elimination of signing, I'm not sure I'll say. I'm lining up some interviews. It would be a shame to leave after 15 years.
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