Archived Worst... black friday.... ever

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Oct 14, 2011
Well at least no one got shot like at other retailers. Ours was more pathetic people than anything else.

Right after we opened I was ready in electronics. About 10 minutes in to it this lady (I would guess about 40 years old) starts screaming (and I mean screaming) "I want a manager!" over and over and over and over again. She had the same tone of voice a spoiled 5 year old would have saying "I want that toy!". Of course people were swarming all around her. Then she literally kneels on the ground and starts crying. I don't know what happened after that. She was gone by the time things calmed down.

Apparently in domestics these other ladys got in a shoving match. (wasn't there to see it, but it was entertaining from what I heard)

Other than that I had a bunch of people storm off like spoiled children when I had to tell them whatever they were looking for was out of stock.

This day just gets more and more pathetic every year....
A few instances where guests were swiping things out of unattended carts (No, AP is NOT going to check video to find out who took your DVD. Watch your cart, next time!); a few fights over those stupid $2 towels; a guy who had all of his kids, nieces, nephews, etc in line so he could buy extra copies of hot games/videos (it was funny when the younger ones got IDed for 'M'-rated games).
Well at least no one got shot like at other retailers. Ours was more pathetic people than anything else.

Right after we opened I was ready in electronics. About 10 minutes in to it this lady (I would guess about 40 years old) starts screaming (and I mean screaming) "I want a manager!" over and over and over and over again. She had the same tone of voice a spoiled 5 year old would have saying "I want that toy!". Of course people were swarming all around her. Then she literally kneels on the ground and starts crying. I don't know what happened after that. She was gone by the time things calmed down.

Apparently in domestics these other ladys got in a shoving match. (wasn't there to see it, but it was entertaining from what I heard)

Other than that I had a bunch of people storm off like spoiled children when I had to tell them whatever they were looking for was out of stock.

This day just gets more and more pathetic every year....

As I have said before. If me keeping my job didn't depend on it I would refuse to work Black Friday because it attracts the worst of humanity. People fueled solely by greed some to the point they are willing to literally kill over it. I want no part in that.
As I have said before. If me keeping my job didn't depend on it I would refuse to work Black Friday because it attracts the worst of humanity. People fueled solely by greed some to the point they are willing to literally kill over it. I want no part in that.
100% agree, its just stupid watching people fight and cry over a stupid "Element" TV...
I had a guest pull out a flyer FROM LAST YEAR and say "you didn't have this" pointing at a circled item "last time and I want it at the sam price this time."
I thought I had fallen asleep and was dreaming the whole thing.
When I told her the only things I could help her with was what was in this years flyer she said "I didn't get it, even though I kept requesting it."
So I went and got her the flyer, pointed out a 'great' deal that was just around the corner and ran away.
/me hangs his head. I have no excuse but that it was 4:00 am.
Later when I went on break, I saw her with a cart and the item from last years flyer.
I had a guest pull out a flyer FROM LAST YEAR and say "you didn't have this" pointing at a circled item "last time and I want it at the sam price this time."
I thought I had fallen asleep and was dreaming the whole thing.
When I told her the only things I could help her with was what was in this years flyer she said "I didn't get it, even though I kept requesting it."
So I went and got her the flyer, pointed out a 'great' deal that was just around the corner and ran away.
/me hangs his head. I have no excuse but that it was 4:00 am.
Later when I went on break, I saw her with a cart and the item from last years flyer.

The stupidity amazes me. Clearly someone who has never worked retail a day in her life.

I think the problem with black friday is that consumers think that it means "retailers owe you whatever you want at unrealistically low prices day".

I will be honest, when I started at Target earlier in the 2000's we really did have some crazy deals. (like $50 games for $10) Back then the company could afford to actually lose money on black friday items.

But I ask everyone on this forum to think about the prices of items this year - was the company *really* taking a loss on any items? Was anything that drastically marked down from what it would be any other time of the year? If you honestly think about it the answer is not really. I mean take the video games for $37.... I have seen the price point and lower at various times of the year. Hell, just a few weeks ago we had a buy 2 get one free deal which, if you got 3 $60 games, made each game out to $40.

We know this because we work retail, but most of these idiots willing to seriously hurt another human for these "deals" think this is a once in a lifetime giveaway kind of event.... when it is really just a regular weekly ad that has been expanded with maybe a few more dollars off each item than usual.

If you ask me, there is only one time it is actually logical to camp outside the store.... and that is when a new major video game system gets released. (and I am not talking nintendo 3ds.... I mean whole new Xbox, Playstation, etc) At those times you actually can make a couple hundred dollars profit if you ebay the thing.... and if you want to actually use it you really will probably get it before most others do. (think about the wii... for many people it took months before they could actually get one after release)
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So I went and got her the flyer, pointed out a 'great' deal that was just around the corner and ran away.

A co-worker and I did a lot of that this year. 🙂 Hey, if that's the only way to get rid of them, we decided we had to do it. ... und we diiid.
Apparently in domestics these other ladys got in a shoving match. (wasn't there to see it, but it was entertaining from what I heard)

We had a lady fall straight into a pillow bin to reach the last pillow down in there 🙂 Same here, didn't see it, but I heard it was entertaining as well.
Toys werent the big item this year. It was tv's. Madness & stupidity, all on the same day. At least, no fights this year at my store.
The Walmart in the burbs had an accident were someone got stabbed I guess and shut down for a few hours just saw that on the news sucks to be Walmart

My stl td me sr of the tv's we were selling we took a loss because the company had paid 500 and was selling them for way less but it's not the best brand anyway.

My stores black friday went smoothly AP was on it and the store really worked like a team I'm happy 🙂 it helped that my sl opening team looked ridiculous I made the all giant red bows that shed glitter and we all wore them on top of our heads it was ridiculous but my girls had fun it
I bought the front page Nikon camera. that wasnt bad for the price -a $200 camera for $100- watch it will probably go TPC as I looked up reviews for it and couldnt find anything on it.
They found a bomb in the employee break room of a Walmart near me, so that store got closed last night. The Walmart where I work got their customers, so it was total madness. There were fights in the electronics department and people who were blocking aisles refused to move. There were cops at the store and they were busy. I'm glad it's done for another year.
They found a bomb in the employee break room of a Walmart near me, so that store got closed last night. The Walmart where I work got their customers, so it was total madness. There were fights in the electronics department and people who were blocking aisles refused to move. There were cops at the store and they were busy. I'm glad it's done for another year.

A bomb?! Details please...?
A bomb?! Details please...?

The only thing I know is that an assistant manager found it in the refrigerator or freezer. It's a good thing it was defective or the assistant manager would have been badly hurt, if not killed. It had to have been put there by a disgruntled employee. I'd say I'm surprised that a store that just opened in October would have disgruntled employees, but like any new store, there are probably a lot of people who transferred in from other stores.
Wow. Bombs shoottings stabbings and gang fights. Guys thank God I work at target I'm not BA enough for Walmart.

They put a ton of us girls by the tv's this year with one guy and there was no riots no fights some people were even polite. I mean one house mom in her velour track suit cussed me out when we sold out of the door busters and she wasn't aware of was two hours after we opened really lady?
Black Friday is the zombie apocalypse of humanity. Which is actually what the shuffling mindless zombie hordes are meant to horrifically parody. An unfeeling mass of rioting fleshbags whose sole purpose is to acquire "brains" (ie merchandise).

The fact is, the black friday deals were not as good as the 4-day or 2 for 1 game deals. Sure, you got a TV and a game console for "cheap", but you can really get those items just as cheap online (or cheaper). Also? All of the accessories for those items were regularly prices on purpose, because our attachment scores went through the roof through no efforts of our own.

Sometimes, I think that I should help humanity in some way. Then I remember that they deserve their own fate by stupidity. This information is out there, and easily accessible. Nobody gives enough of a ************ to look in to it, though.
The only thing I know is that an assistant manager found it in the refrigerator or freezer. It's a good thing it was defective or the assistant manager would have been badly hurt, if not killed. It had to have been put there by a disgruntled employee. I'd say I'm surprised that a store that just opened in October would have disgruntled employees, but like any new store, there are probably a lot of people who transferred in from other stores.
More than likely, it was put in place by an employee of that store or prankster. They would call a bomb threat in just to evacuate the store.
Our store ran a 1.7 decrease over last year. We always show an increase. Never happened since this store opened. Wondering if this was a sign of the times or a sign of the way our store has been running the past 6 months....
You guys are hilarious. Black Friday wasnt so bad at our store. The new Crowd Control Plan worked like a dream. I give major kudos to all the TM's that helped AP accomplish that goal. People are always going to act like fools when they think they are getting a deal. Funny thing was my STL put out regular priced TV's when we ran out of the door bustess. People bought those like 5 year old's on pixie sticks lol Silly Silly Silly
Our black Friday was a disaster of proportions not seen since the biblical days of Noah's flood.

Whomever was scheduled on wednesday didn't pull a single thing for the two day AD. So when I got there, there was literally only two minutes before the store opened with nothing pulled out.

AP didn't send anybody to handle crowds in Electronics, with my helper disappearing ever second to do something (which he does constantly whenever there is people to help), it was me and two cashiers to handle everything. I have never been screamed at more in my life, I screamed back and it turned into a big ugly scene. Eventually the place where I was keeping ipods collapsed on me when I was reaching to get one and sliced my arm pretty good. Our ETL is happy because we beat our sales though and continues to sell it as a win.

Later in the day a guest said "I love this place, the people here are so happy compared to Wal-Mart." I immediately replied, "That's because of the mandatory anti-depressants in the drinking fountain."
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