Archived Written up vs. CA

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Aug 10, 2015
If a team lead says you're being written up does that mean a CA or is just a documented coaching? Also has anyone (or would you) refused to sign a CA? Can you actually refuse and what are the repercussions of that?
When you sign it, it's just acknowledging that you received it. So refusing to sign it does nothing but make your boss angry.
If you're being written up, that's either a CCA or a final warning.
I've been told that some coachings are just documented not being CA though
A documented coaching is the first step in the whole corrective action process. You need to be coached and given time to improve before you can be put on a counseling. My last 3 ETL HRs wanted at least 3 coachings on the same performance issue before they would let it progress to a counseling. Most counselings have a critical period of 6 months, but some are shorter.
A write up is definitely CCA, especially if you have to sign it. There are 2 levels of CCA, Counseling & Final Warning.

Usually you get a Counseling First and if you have a repeated offense in the same category, it can go to final warning. However serious offenses can go straight to Final Warning (or even termination).
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